Still editing and editing and organizing and sleeping in.

Many more to come. If you click through and have a look at the larger sizes (can you do that if you don't have a flickr account? maybe? who knows) you can see various members of my fam scattered out across the hills.
Yankees played Jays last night and Jays won. And I do so think that Burnett is a jerk (ha, like I even care) and I do so love Halladay (because he makes the games go quickly and gets us out early!) so I was pleased with the match-up. Also, it's always a bit more fun when it's busy and the crowds are into it.
More Yankee fun tonight and tomorrow. And lots more working this week, lucky me. No but really because I want to make a billion dollars and then go to Paaaaaaris this fall. Want to want to.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed in the mornings these days. Not quite sure why. It wears off once I've left the house, mostly. But in the mornings I feel tired and stressed and a bit depressed.
Hmm. But I haven't been taking all my vitamins...