Okay I am not a happy camper this evening. Still no big cry, working on it feel like I need it, yep sure do. Last kitten, Little Grey aka now George Foxton, left today and it's just Tilda Swinton and I chilling out together. She's wandering around yelling a lot. I can't tell if she's looking for him or if she's going into heat.
I feel sad I don't want Tilda to ever ever leave me she is the best cat ever. No, okay, maybe there are lots of great cats but she is particularly nice. Cannot resist being called over. I've never met a cat who always comes when you call. Sure she doesn't play fetch like Rudyard Kitling, but still, she's very soft and has adoring eyes and when you come home she practically leaps up into your arms. Chaaarming.
I can't commit to a cat though. I can't. We all know I can't hold anything down.
No, but, financially I can't handle it and also who knows where I'll be in a few years. I can do more good as a foster parent for Toronto Cat Rescue.
Okay glad I talked myself down from that.
Relatedly, Tilda Swinton will be up for adoption very soon and so if you know anyone who wants the sweetest prettiest long-faced kitten (she's only about 9 months, after all) let me know.

Which sad movie should I watch?
This weekend I watched Two Lovers, Mama Mia!, and Synecdoche, New York.
Synecdoche totally wore me down, I just watched it this evening. Kind of took all of my energy and will to live. But not in a bad way? I fully didn't recognize Samantha Morton! Everyone was pretty great in that movie. It did get to me. I can't imagine writing it. I can't imagine reading the script as an actor.

Today I made a dress. It was a wrap-around skirt that I got at a clothing swap and it is beautiful fabric and I made a super simple dress that almost does it justice and it is comfortable and I have one billion summer dresses and some I even forgot about.
All dresses all the time.
So that was an accomplishment. A creative moment.

And now I'm writing poetry that is way too revealing like private-blog revealing (updated yesterday, jfyi lucky insiders) and I will have to edit it down and change key elements so you will be less obviously aware that I am writing about you and your particular arms, hands, proximity.......
Should I make another little magazine? I don't see the point, really. But I guess it felt like I was doing something. Got me writing, got me going. And that's the most important part.
My genius means nothing because I do so little with it.
I'm such a waste.
No. I am gaining valuable life (party) experience so that my creative endeavours will be all the richer.
Also have a couple of scripts open. I'm good at writing when I write. I don't ever write though. I mean, I used to never write. But starting now I write all the time. An hour a day.

Need to create more and get more of my own projects on the go so that people will know to jump on your bandwagon. That's how things work. Word-of-mouth and jumping on bandwagons.
And my bandwagon is fun and you should get on it. I've heard it is party-all-the-time.