
1 little 2 little 4 little kitties (to maul)

Home now.
Picked up all the cats and cuddled them, like it or not.
Yelled at my brother already.
Had breakfast at Mullberry's and I missed Aunties (of course). Told some pretty hilarious jokes. Passed on some hilarious stories. Family was being pretty funny too, I guess.

Had a long nap in my mum's bed because it's the best place for naps and because I think I was still drunk when I got on the plane this morning. And because I was so, so tired that I almost passed out in the bulk foods store (where we were buying gluten-free treats for me) this afternoon.

Got a bunch of texts from Toronto, got barely any from Saskatoon.
I keep forgetting how few friends I have here. Sadness. Oh, except the ones I do have are some of the best most ridiculously lovely people ever. So that's fair, I think.

I still don't have any plans for this week, really. Which is really kind of a treat. I'm planning to read some books and nap and sit out in the yard. Sat on the front step today and enjoyed the sun and enjoyed the cats rolling in the dirt in the rock garden.

This weekend was kind of a shit-show.
Been giving 'er lately.
Plus working at the dome.
Plus cleaning and packing.

Saturday I met up with Cheesepie and co. for a drink and a plan to find a dance party. We headed down to 751 because usually there is a dirty don't-care-high dance party in the basement. And dirty skateboarders upstairs. But for some reason there were bands in the basement and no babes to be seen. So I got a pita and V8 (which I filled with vodka -- except it didn't mix well and when it was almost done it ended up being mostly pure (shitty) vodka) and we wandered up to Sneaks, where BFF met up with us. She was wearing a fancy dress and a fancy purse and I smiled. I'm thinking she should not become a lawyer because she is going to be eternally busy and never party-all-the-time with me.
And then we danced! It wasn't very busy in there but people were breaking it down, and we drank some beers. And danced. Mostly danced. Deck came and met up with us and he'd just been eating steaks and drinking beers and was hung-over from the night before. I begged him not to barf onto me. Even he danced. Which I found kind of hilarious. He's so tall! And thin! His dance-up-on moves were obviously the best. Pretty awesome.
I tried dancing like Cheesepie but it was hard, she's a pretty good dancer (should be - years of training). She dances with her shoulders and her hips. I just dance like an idiot.
I decided that I couldn't feel booze anymore and was unable to get drunk. My internetting thereafter proves otherwise.
I think I just forgot what it felt like to be sober.

Worked yesterday and it was ssssssssssslow and I was making terrible jokes with customers (my forte). My friend I was working with in a bad mood. I felt annoyed. I'm a bad person like that.

Saw the friend who played Manson in the movie I did last summer. He was shooting a bit of stuff for a pilot they're pitching. I want to shoot stuff, too! Told him to let me be in it. We'll see!
Saw Deck on my ways to and from work. Kind of funny, that's what summer is like. Oh, yeah, and I go past the skatepark on my way. I tried to make him do some tricks and show off for me. I've been friends with that "professional athlete" for over a year and I've seen him skate so, so little. He didn't really impress me. I wanted him to go off the roof or something, he did not seem enthused.
On the plus side, he didn't fall and break his head (my dread fear I seriously can't watch people I know do stunts, ugh nerve-racking)

I got things done last night. All packed and cleaned and so I had a quick nap, except everyone kept phoning me, which is v. annoying when I am so close to dreamland.

So I got to go to Dakota, because I deserved a treat. Went with Cheesepie and Shambers. Except Shambers is now a Real Lawyer (I hope I get a business card soon!) and he goes home early all the time. Loser. Monied loser.
Rumour is that that's the last Beauties show! What will we do!?
It was very fun. I only had three pints but felt SLOSHED. I don't even remember a lot of going home. I remember I was getting in the way of Cheesepie picking up babes. Sorry, babe!


I met lowercase carmen!

I was standing outside and a pretty lady came over to me and was like "Meredith?" and I didn't recognize her for a minute because I'd never seen her before in Real Life.
But she's so cute! So cute! I mean, that's not surprising, given her blog. But still.
And I met her BF and then they came inside and we had beers and I talked her ear off about god-knows-what. And she's just finished going to school for creative writing and maybe we might write "creatively" together sometime or something.
Totally befriending her. too bad.

Okay now I'm leaving and going to party town, mostly I want another nap. But Carlos is very, very delicious and nnneat and Constantine is hands down one of the most amusing people I know (and that's saying a lot).