


My mistake.

Where are my kittens?
Give them to me?

hard not to be upset by the lack of babies around here.

"I need a break from coming off babe-break"

I'm not sure I'm acting how I'd like to be acting. Pretty sure not. It's easy to have plans for oneself and easy to have ideas about oneself. Harder to follow through. Difficult to be less self-centered.
Even if you feel like calling other people out on it.

I may or may not have thrown my cellphone in the street (I've gotten really into throwing it lately, don't-care-high, mostly indoors though) and maybe the battery/casing came off and went under a fence and under a car in the used car lot on Ossington and maybe Niki climbed the fence to get it. (owe her forevs)
The ridiculous part might that I may or may not have been not-that-drunk. Only irritable. And phones make me nuts like nothing else, they don't make sense and aren't proper for real communique.

Getting all of this out of my system. Getting all this party-all-the-time and whatnot done with so that I will never regret anything, I will never feel like I missed out. And my life is fun.
My life is kind of the best ever these days. But seriously.

I can't wait to go back to Saskatoon!
so so so so so so so sooooon!