Whatever, it's beautiful. It reminds me of my favourite golden rocking horse ornament.
7 months until Christmas!!!

New best easy/lazy bean salad:
1 can of marinated bean blend (I chose the one with a lemon garlic dressing already on it)
chopped tomatoes
chopped mushrooms
chopped peppers
chopped onions
chopped whatever else is lying around
then enjoy.
No, but it is good to have the fridge, good to eat if you're running out to party but don't want to party on that empty stomach. And pretty delicious.

These photos don't do this shirt justice. It is sparkly.

When I saw APB last week she was wearing a very fancy and lovely straw hat and she told me she has to wear it everyday because it was expensive. That is good logic!
I had to buy a hat too because I secretly want to be ABP. Not so secretly, actually.

This hat was not expensive and I will definitely not get around to wearing it as much as I should. I always think I want to wear hats and so I buy hats and then I never put them on my head.

Met up with Cpt. Heh yesterday and went to Lakeview Lunch and sat on the little patio they have going out front. Cheespie and Accost came and also another friend who I wouldn't even know what to nickname. And we talked about babes. Really? You did? That's so weird.
I like Accost more and more and she is nuts. In case you were wondering.
It's funny how people can be in the periphery of your circle of friends for years.
I have different circles of friends. It seems like it has always been that way with me.
I guess I like variety.
Spice of life.
Ha, oh man, I remember in elementary school one of my best friends was going on about saving herself for marriage and I remember being like "WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING?? VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE!!" In a loud and self-righteous tone.

I'm considering counting how many summer dresses I have.
I feel like it will be a stupid amount.

I have plans for making at least three more. At least. Yikes.
Too bad I don't have any skills at making any other type of clothing. I guess skirts maybe?
Wine tasting tonight with Dollface, supposedly.
I do not know whatever would possess her to invite me along to something like this... Her bad.