
missed connections!

Fine. I read the craigslist missed connections. Fine, I do it. Now you can all go ahead and post fake ones for me and I will totally fall for it and you can laugh at me.

Okay, but, maybe this one is about Dollface?

Tall and elegant girl at The Wrong Bar - Grand Analog Album Release - m4w

You were dancing at the front right side of the stage all night with your girlfriends. You were so beautiful, tall and elegant. Your eyes were breathtaking. As you were leaving and saying bye to your friends I said bye and waved at you ... we made eye contact and you smiled at me.

I would love to get to know you.

Maaaybe?? Probably not. But that was where we were standing. I don't know if I'd call her elegant (seeing as we apparently fell over together at one point and I have no recollection of that happening) and she's not that tall, really.
But men do have a tendency to fall in love with her on sight.
I know I did.