That's why you haven't been paying attention to me, I guess, it's probably just not getting through.
It's generally pretty hard to get through to me.

Don't carry the bananas in with the cans of beans on your bike. Unless you are looking to make banana bread, in which case, do.
I think I might be dying all my muscles have been hurting for days and I haven't really been over-doing it. At all.
Except with party-town, I suppose.
I like how I was at the grocery store last night at midnight and going home but then ended up at Sneaky Dee's for nachos and pitchers of Cool lager until 2:30...
Story of my life.
I really didn't realize how many forms of rice I bought last night. Kind of embarrassing.
rice cakes
crispy minis
rice crackers
rice krispies
Lately all I want to do is sing sing sing for my supper (in which case I would likely starve), I blame this on Joan Baez.
Have to go by my agency to pick up a binder of research info for my docudrama re-enactment role. Yikes.