
between hope and dispair

Well. I did it. I finally finished A Fine Balance and it is a seriously lovely book and beautiful and everything that you'd expect. Except it is also just so horrendously depressing. The 'fine balance' part refers to finding a balance between hope and despair.. but I'm not sure the book actually find that balance. It did not make me feel at all hopeful, really.

Unfortunately I read three online gossip blogs every day. All this time I could be devoting to my creative pursuits or jerking off or something. But I do. I can't stop it.
But here are some thoughts on some hot celebrity topics:

#1 - Nicole Kidman did not actually birth her baby. I am 100% convinced of this. For sure she wore a bad prosthetic at points during the farce, but she did not actually carry that child. The weird part is that she insisted on pretending that she was. Why pretend? Because Katie Holmes had one? Because you want to out-crazy your ex-husband? Impossible.
She is used to shams because of being contractually married to Cruise and pretending that he was
a) straight
b) not insane
Nicole 2 weeks after "giving birth" to her new daughter

#2 - Katie Holmes. Something about Katie Holmes makes me want to weep. I bet she was the nicest kid ever. I didn't even like her on Dawson's Creek, and I don't think she's a particularly good actor, but there's something nice about her.
Well, there used to be. Now she looks drained and strange. Probably terrified that she signed her life away to play house with Cruise. But who could say no to that sort of offer? I can seriously say that if I were offered a million dollars and a chance to have kids and a career and everything that I want in exchange for being a front, I would take it.
I can't ever move to Hollywood because I would end up addicted to drugs and playing beard for a gay superstar. For certain.

#3 - Michelle Williams is lovely. She is beautiful and so great in Brokeback Mountain and in that movie I watched once that I still consider a favourite, Me Without You.
When I saw Williams on Oprah with Heath Ledger and their baby I was the most jealous green-eyed monster for about a week. What a life! I wanted to be her so, so ridiculously bad. At one point Ledger turned to his young family and said "I fall deeper in love with both my girls every day"
My heart is broken for her and this weekend must be the toughest. I wonder what she'll end up doing. I wonder if she has any desire for any more fame after all of this.

#4 - Heath Ledger is amazing as Joker. There is no denying that. I am not in the camp of "he just had to act crazy". Nope. He genuinely made me feel bad inside (probably due, in part, to being dead now) with that character. Unsettled and shook.
But I can't imagine having to play a character like that. Especially if you took the character as seriously as Ledger seemed to. I can't help but wonder if this character didn't play a part in his death. And no character is worth this.
Holy over-analyzation, I know.

#5 - Lindsay Lohan is in a lesbian relationship. And that's okay. Everyone calm the eff down. And why is Perez Hilton constantly constantly making fun of her and her girlfriend, Sam Ronson? Perez is gay, and yet he's the meanest about Ronson's looks/persona/style of any of the bloggers. Constantly attacking both of them.. when it doesn't really matter.
I can see how Ronson is attractive. She reminds me of a certain lesbian DJ we know who virtually every (straight) girl I know has a crush on. Because she's damn cool.

The stories that come out of Hollywood are nearly as depressing as A Fine Balance. And I don't think I'm particularly shallow to care about it, just interested in people. And interested in how people react to fame and money.
What a tough game.

I am totally going to go read some teen fiction right now and I'm hoping for happy endings.