
This post is not for boys really

Yay for periods!!!

In case of if you were wondering and are not one of my BFFs then you should know that I have the worst time with my monthlies. In every way you can think of.
It's gotten better over the years (I no longer writhe in pain crying for a full day), but I still hate it. HATE IT.
So freaking much.
Today I've eaten three granola bars and almost fully watched the worst movie ever made "Too Cool For Christmas" and Oprah.

This month is actually a bit better mostly because I'm glad to be in this promo for o.b. Tampons. Because of FREE tampons!!! And because I actually really like o.b., they are my chosen brand because

a) they fit in my pocket, and I'm not a show-off with my sanitary supplies. Mostly.

b) no applicator = much more environmentally friendly. For real. This is actually pretty important to me. I'm a little surprised that people actually still buy plastic applicator tampons. Seriously? But that's probably how the keeper's users feel about me. (With just cause.)

c) They work the best. Width-wise instead of length-wise, much better. I am not that long in there. No sir. And I like the variety packs (and I like the purple ones. Because there is no fucking with those mothers).

I like all the gear that came with my tampons as well. I've been using my new water bottle daily and took my new tote shopping yesterday, it fit a whole package of toilet papers in there! And I always need more hot-water bottles - one for my front and one for my back.

And I'm getting pretty into giving the sample packets out to all of my girlfriends.
If you do not live here in Toronto with me or if you are avoiding me and my phonecalls, you can GO HERE to get your own free trial case.
And that carrying case? Extra handy for carrying them around with you.

On the same note, does anyone else love love love love that Dakota Tavern has free tampons on the counter in the ladies' room?
You can tell it's owned by a woman.
o.b. should sponsor them, best combo ever!