
Oh hi future-husband,

Jonathan (Taylor) Thomas, of TV's Home Improvement.

Also Ryan Stiles is in it and that's weird, hey? Pretty funny. Also I love Jonathan's hair. No, I do though. And he's so short! So tiny!

This one is not as good, Jonathan Taylor Thomas-wise, he is only there momentarily, but pretty good short film, weirdly has big stars doing cameos and also Justin Guarini (ahahaha remember From Justin to Kelly? I don't.).

I know that I've probably clarified this to all y'all in the past, but.
I'm not joking about my interest in JTT, or "Simba" as I like to call him.
I am blowing it out of proportion for jokes, but in all seriousness, if you can somehow arrange for me too meet him, I would be forever grateful.
I hear he's hanging out in Vancouver, so if you could just send him my way, pass along my email address when you run into him (meredith (at) ohmistletoe.com), fly him here to marry me, etc, that would be awesome.

k thnx

*I fixed the spelling on my email address! but added spaces because I'm not a big fan of spam