
sundresses and self-timers

What's the point in getting up early, even? Nothing's open!
I tried to go buy fabric to make dresses but all the stores were still closed. Stupid BFF making me go for breakfast at effing 9 a.m. What the hell is that?
No, it's for the best though, I always buy fabric and then not do anything with it. But I do love buying it. But I do have enough fabric already. That's for sure.

My new cat, Dog, lives under the couch. That's a good enough place for a cat. Then some times she comes out and wants LOTS of attention and then she goes away again. That's alright with me.



I think this is the first one that I made that I still wear:
I dress like my mother
It is exactly, exactly, like something my mother would wear. Made from her fabric.
You may not know this about me, but at one point I was going to open my own recycled/hand-made clothing store. I'm glad that never happened. Sewing is my one stress-free art form. I rarely sew for anyone besides myself and never with any pressure. I only do if I feel like it. It's nice.
And I'm not a "good" sewer by any means. I have no idea about "patterns" or anything like that. I just think about something and then I try and make it and then sometimes it ends up being nice.

This one is very old as well (from Saskatoon, so at least 5 years old). I still love it. Babes also love it. It never goes out of fashion. Or I am never in fashion.
long-term sundress

This one is made from a extra-large men's shirt. I bought the shirt for 1 dollar in Kensington.
shirt-dress cuff do-up
The back is made from the cuffs of the sleeves. I have promised to make my friend one for her birthday and I'm totally not going to get around to it. Too bad for her.

Most recent, from last summer - this one is made from Christmas pillow-cases that I bought in Saskatoon for 25 cents each (two of them = one dress). Most comfortable dress ever. Also not over-the-top Christmas so I don't look too much like a lunatic.
Christmas in July
The pillow cases didn't go with my sheets so I'm happy I still got to use them.

I still haven't decided what kind of sundress I want this summer. I might start on a dress for a friend and hope that leads to inspiration. Or I might have a nap.