Also, thanks Robert Bell of Exclaim magazine, that's one of the heartiest compliments I've received.
The fringe review was fine.
Three stars, said the acting is strong but the plot meanders. I'll take that.
My cat's name is now Temp-Cat

(more nice photos of her on my flickr site.)
The best part about today was how I spent like 6 hours on a stupid sundress (for my friend, but still) and then ruined it at the last minute (salvageable, but still) so I had nothing to wear tonight (yeah it was for my friend, but still).
But then I just cut some holes in a green (colour of hospital scrubs, hot) pillow-case and wore it as a shift dress. Because I am a dork like that.
A huge, huge dork.
Evidenced below.

OMG, dudes, so ready to a successful actor.
At least I got an unexpected (small) cheque today. Thank-you again, gum people.