
Lockdown Nasty

Sometimes I get tired of saying "it's true". I say it so ridiculous much.
The boss at big chill yells "IT'S TRUE" in his trade-mark gruff crazy voice every time I ride by. I just wave.
Sometimes I say "c'est vrai" just for variation because I'm so bored of being me.

No, wait. I'm only bored by some of my habits, not by my actual self. Actual self is maybe more fun then ever.

So. I've been considering trying to make this blog more marketable. More entertaining. Sass said "what's so good about your blog" but I don't really have an answer for you on that one. Except I think I'm fun. And REALLY FAMOUS.

Sass says I should play up how hot I am more often. Hard work considering I can't take my sexiness seriously to any degree. No like holy hell really.
"condoms make me uncomfortable"
"you know what makes me feel uncomfortable? tiny screaming babies!"
like so.
But here you go anyway


I probably am beyond hyper-concious of all the bad things that could happen with this blog and how they could effect me. But that's because of blogging since 2k1, when no one really read blogs and I felt like I was invincible with it, like I could write whatever I'd like about anyone and anything.
And boy did the shit hit the fan a few times over the years.
And also, as much fun as being mean can be, I'm seriously trying to calm that part of me. Especially on the internet.

Oh holy lord. I still can't believe how explicit and not-worried I was about getting found out on my other diary. I've been spending this eve cleaning my last name out of that blog to avoid being found there by google-searches and it leading immediately here. Not that it's ever going to be impossible to find me here by searching my name.. but I would like for it to take a couple of steps or effort or something.
But geeezuz I was rereading stuff I'd written even last year that was beyond way too much information for the internets. I'm such an idiot. I should take all that stuff down so I never have to deal with fall-out. But I won't! Because I'm lazy!

Oh hell. I just got totally engrossed in reading back entries. I miss my I-Net Confessional attitude. I was so into spilling everything. How awesome!
And impossible to do these days.


Let's bring back the term "Lockdown" to refer to anyone in a proper relationship.

I feel like Dollface has really made this summer for me. Last summer it was my friend Miss Bellwoods, who brought the party town, but she is away working and touring this summer. Dollface has certainly stepped up and is the perfect party companion.
I fear a time when one or the other of us will be in Lockdown. What will happen to us?
Will our party flavour party flare bite the big one? Will it be worth it?

Oh yeah, I'm having weird anxiety about getting into an actual relationship
"as opposed to the other 95% of humanity who are scared of not having a relationship" (quote, my mother)
it occurred to me that maybe it would be a possibility at some point and then I was all "who would I even be???" etc etc angsting myself out like the cow that I am.


but I'm a professional dreamboat but all i do is scope babes but i'm only happy when i'm in love with someone inaccessible but i have a faulty heart what if it worked properly but then only lead me astray what if i fell in Real-Time-Love where would i be then up shit-creek because then i'd owe them something and someone's going to get hurt real bad

Haha I'm going to pretend that entry got read, not just looked at.

Also, if there is anything you'd like me to write about on here for you, I have OPINIONS and plenty to share, then you should tell me. And then I'll tell you.