
200th post!

This is who I am missing these days:

The best part is clearly the music. No denying.

Oh yeah, this morning Temp-Cat brought a mouse over and put it on the carpet. It was in shock and looked dead but then she slapped it in the face and it came to. I really, really didn't know what to do about it.
My friend was over and he's a genius and a take-charge kind of a guy and he put a glass over it.
mouse in a glass!
I wanted to kill it so, so badly. But I couldn't. I couldn't come up with a way to do it. I'm a wimp. I went and put him outside.

Another show tonight!
I think lots of people I know are coming, so hopefully I don't eff it up.
I'm going to wear my new red dress because I wore my new navy dress last night.
The red dress is ridiculously comfortable and ridiculously short/inappropriate.