Wordburglar was really great. I haven't seen him perform in a few months and he definitely brought it this time around. The loveliest thing about a Wordburglar show is his enjoyment of it. He is obviously in love with his craft and it's always the best to watch someone enjoy themselves. Especially if it's justified. Burg is a funny dude and his between-song banter (a place where many musical outfits falter) is great. His lyrics are beyond clever and he gets the crowd involved and excited about it. Wordbuglar works with some of the best producers around and the backing beats have a great specific sound that's danceable and almost-crunchy and a bit of a throwback to early rap. It was nice to have Fresh Kils and Professor Fingers backing him up this show, especially because of Fingers' sweet ninja mask.

I get that this style of rap is all about spitting and dissing.. but I'm always wishing for a bit more from Wordburglar, a song about something a bit deeper? But then, if he took himself seriously this would be a completely different act.
And this time he did have a song about love.. sort of. Well about hitting on a babe, at least.
I've been seeing Entire Cities play for awhile now. And they have grown and changed and lost and gained members, but what's remarkable is how they've kept the feel and idea of the band the same. They're always lovely, clever, and a mad dance party. Simon Borer is the perfect front man, charming and awkward, like a barn dance itself. He wants to be a minister someday, but for now heads up Entire Cities and brings his passion there instead.

I will admit that their first female vocalist, Lauren Schreiber, was one of the best parts about the band initially.. but since she's left to pursue other interests (promoting shows!) Tamara has really stepped up to do the songs justice. And last night I felt like Tam's performance (not only as a vocalist but also on keys and banjo) was the best I've seen her with them. Her confidence and enthusiasm were high and impressive. And I like it when she sticks her tongue out in concen
Also, Coffee is one of the best songs around (listenable on their myspace).

*keep in mind that all reviews are done by me. And I have NO critical faculties when it comes to music. I either like stuff or I don't but I don't know anything about anything. Except pleasing or not pleasing. And that's beyond subjective.
I should also not review my bffs. It's way harder in some ways.
Here's me getting ready to go out. No make-up for once.

Holy rack. The dress lead to this exchange:
he: you look really nice tonight
me: you should really look away from my rack when you say that...
(ah, whatever, that's what they're there for anyhow. I better not lose my rack when I lose all that weight I'm supposed to. They're all I've got!!!)
Got through the tech run. Actually managed to squeeze in a whole run of the play in the actual space. Exciting. Something about the smell of the theatre made me want to weep.
It's been too long.
It's been way too long and now I don't know if I could do a professional play even if they wanted me.
I love the feel of the stage lights and of the black floors and padding softly backstage and the dressing rooms and sitting just out of the light at the edges but still trying to watch what's happening onstage.
Oh oh I miss it.
We are finally at the driving-each-other-nuts point. Hurrah!
And I would never recommend doing a play without a director. Ever.
And I will never make the mistake again. It's this false-democracy that's irritating. I can't be encouraged to have an opinion that I'm then not allowed to hold to. And we're too close up in it to give each other proper feedback.
For our entire rehearsal process one of the girls constantly says "we will get to that/fix that/work on that/change that, later" and she's still doing it! And it's two days til we start! UGH.
And both of them are into pouting. Which is the least helpful thing. Pout pout mini-explode. Oh and arranging to do things and then failing to let me know about their plans. So I constantly feel out of the loop. Awesome.
Up the wall.
Sorry. Little rant. Haven't ranted to anyone about any of this.. so I'm justified. Or something.
I'm hoping so hard that the energy of the actual performance will kick us up a notch. I know it will. We need a bit more team spirit though, sometimes it feels a bit like we're fighting each other.
I'm constantly, constantly considering if it is ever a good idea to tell someone what you think their main faults and weaknesses are. It only opens one up to being told one's owns problems.. but I think I have a pretty good grasp on mine (numerous. srsly.). And would like to think I'd be interested in knowing when I'm being awful (easier said than done).
And I would certainly like to tell some people off sometimes. All the time.
Especially at work. When people are idiots who baffle me with their stupidity and I'm forced to think "how do you possibly get through a day?", I want to tell them about it.
I sort of wish I told my friend who I broke up with about why I disliked her so intensely. Maybe my insights might have been helpful to her? She was pretty extreme.
Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you the story of The Worst Dinner Party Ever.