
f you

Ugh the Eye Weekly site is being a pain in the butt.
I want to know how many stars already. That site is seriously effed.
What a tease you are, Eye Weekly!!!

Yay! First show OVER!
Now two days to chill out max and relax all cool.

It went well. Without a hitch. No one fucked it up. I couple of minor omitted lines, tongue-tripping.. but nothing major.
My castmate, Fever's, boyfriend (or "cast boyfriend" as I like to call him) came and brought us roses and a cake (fuck you cleanse). Awww. Our stage-manager's dad laughed his heart out. Which was nice since it was a pretty quiet crowd. And Fever's mum came straight from the airport from Vancouver with luggage in tow to see opening night, and she was soooo proud. Aww. Made me pretty jealous that my mum didn't get to be there. And the rest of my family too.
I think I'm going to apply to Saskatoon fringe next summer. Yeah? yeah.

We realized backstage that we'd all told our friends to come later in the run and we actually had no idea if anyone was going to show up. At all. No, really. But we ended up having 18 people. Which isn't a horrible sized audience.

Afterwards we trekked over to the Fringe club where we drank and I ate some roasted corn (so good) and had a couple of bits of ice cream and I even had beer (fuck you, wheat).
The DJ was 100% utterly completely ABYSMAL.
No seriously though.
Holy hell we're not all coked-up clubbers here. One beat is not our style. We want to break. it. down.
I finally went up to him and asked if had any Motown or even any retro Madonna.
He started playing some alright stuff and the dance floor packed. He kept the songs on for hours though. If a song was popular he'd play if for around 7 minutes. Beyond annoying.
We did dance though. And I, especially, danced like a maniac. Trying to make dancing into my work-out. And I'm actually feeling it today. Which is kind of wild. I did good work.
I need to watch more hip-hop abs videos so I can take those sweet moves to the dance floor.

Everyone wienered out early except Fever and I, we stayed for one more drink and to watch the crowd of actors. And ended up having a nice bonding session. We've never hung out much, just the two of us. It was nice.

I saw a babe and then he started dancing and then it turned out that he wasn't very babely.. he was allll shoulders. But he loved it so much. The dancing, I mean. It's hard to fault someone for looking silly when they are obviously having so much fun.
What a dilemma!

It was totally my first day to sleep in in forever and I only slept for 7 hours. wtf, body.

Ugh. ACTRA. Ugh.
I just got an email from a friend of a friend requesting my services as actor for a feature film that she is directing. Just for a little part with no pay or anything, but still. I want to be able to do whatever I'd like. I don't like when people tell me what I can and cannot do.

Have to clean up my apartment for my new temp-cat who is coming over tonight!