It was pretty much exactly what I expected. Except the end was sort of shitty.
Also, why the hell is James McAvoy such a damn BABE?
If only he hadn't done anything after Narnia (oh sweet sweet Mr. Tumnus) then no one else would've caught on to how dreamy he is and then I could've had him all to myself. Except for his wife. Dammit. Whatever. He's 5'7 and wanted to be a priest when he grew up.
As we were leaving the movie:
me: If I saw him in the street, I probably wouldn't even look twice
dollface: Yeah, me neither, unless he was half naked and dripping wet...
I'm not a particular fan of Angelina Jolie. Nor Brad Pitt, for that matter (give me Michael Pitt any day. Seriously, give 'im) but she is weirdly good-looking. That sort of good-looking that seems unrealistic but yet so desirable. Angelina is better in movies where she doesn't really talk, so she was good in this one.
I did like the beginning of the movie a lot. It's was sort of Office Space -ish.. but it just made me want to re-watch Office Space.
Here are a couple of gratuitous pictures of dollface and I looking like babes. These weren't even taken recently. No reason for these at all.
I'm still feeling like shit today.
Yayayayay. I'm working on feeling a bit better so I can go spend a buttload of money at Shoppers on stuff I mostly need and probably stuff I definitely don't but because I feel shitty I will definitely deserve it. And maybe get some groceries.
I've decided I want to work at a casting house. How do I get a job there? It'd be perfect. Everyone who works at casting houses are actors. And it's impossible to get jobs there. But I want to run sessions and get to see all the auditions and know all the actors around town and be in charge of shit. I would especially ruin people's auditions if they were mean. I mean, no I wouldn't.
If not that, then maybe temp work, yes.
I'm sort of regretting not having a university degree these days. Not really.. only kind of. When I have all the riches I will go to university for fun and only take the classes I want.
I wish I had unlimited funds and time, then I would definitely go study writing.
Too bad I have no office skillz really!
Nor any other transferable skillz.
List of most marketable skillz:
- babe-eyeing-up and scoping-out
- charming people with obnoxiousness and dirty jokes
- drinking beer really quickly
- being rude enough to customers so that they know it but remaining composed and pretending I'm polite (when they so, so deserve it)
- Christmas
Don't work babies I've started my Christmas Book for 2008
I'm on it.
Starting listing up and checking off and planning planning planning.
Uh huh yeah that always cheers me up.