
broken right outside of my heart

Guess what, guys?!?

I totally cracked a rib.

How? Wakeboarding. I'm very hard-core like that.

(Actually, it was just from when I fell on my face while walking into wakestock, but same diff.)
I thought I just had sore arms/chest from falling, but then my one upper rib keeps on hurting and hurting and hurting. And when I tried to stretch everything out yesterday, thinking it would help out, it only made it much worse. I almost didn't leave the house but of course I did. Party all the time.
Goddammit does sneezing not feel very fun, though. Nor laughing, even. Nor making out so don't even start with me. just kidding always okay for making out.


Sorry I'm such a terrible blogger lately. Whoooooops!!!
I'm going to blame google reader and also my intrinsic whiney nature.
Haven't even been too busy, really.
Yesterday I slept in until 4 pm, basically. Beat that.
But then I stayed up until about 5 am last night, so that worked out. Party town.
What a great lifestyle.

you can almost see my roof from there

BTW, my friend has the best rooftop deck that's only like 5 houses down from me (srsly, string-can-phones, pls) and I'd never been to it, until yesterday. can you even believe that noise? Me neither.

perfect afternoon

Also, she bought me iced coffee (she's a kindergarten teacher and lives off the gift cars she gets at the end of the year. good times) and fed me fresh-baked banana-chocolate-chip muffins.
I tried to move in but she totally kicked me out.


But she gave me a can of corn (how neighbourly) so that I could make my (now) famous Thursday Chili!

1 big onion, chopped
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
some oil
some water
some Italian seasoning
(cook that all for awhile)
1 big jar of salsa
some left-over pasta sauce that you think probably isn't quite rotten
1 can of kidney beans
1 can of neighbourly corn
1 tiny sample bottle of Frank's Red Hot Sauce that they were giving away in front of the skydome the other day
(cook for some more time)
1 package of veggie ground-round (or real beef, if you prefer)
cook some more


I ate so much of it I thought I would vomit, but in the end, I did not!!!

Omg vomiting would hurt my rib I bet.

Went to Nick and David's show the other night. David works at Aunties and I love him. He's the cutest/surliest and his songs are lovely and heartbreaking. He hadn't played in forever. I was happy to hear him again.
And Nick was fantastic, as always.

check one two david goldman
aw sad guitar

tell us
nicholas rose rocks it
break it down
good times with stand-up bases and slide guitars

Lots of lovely ladies came too and we partied down. Dollface and I ended up at Sneaky Dee's at 2 for last call and way, way too much food. So classy stuffing our faces like food is going out of style.

Now flippin Dollface is in flippin Ottawa for 10 days, eff that, oh yeah, she says that her mum reads this sometimes, HI DOLLFACE MUMSKIES.
I like Dollface's parents. They came to Octopus with us, which is awesometown of them.
They also have a part-electric car and I was like "this car is way too quiet, it must not be on" but it was!!!

We went to Dakota last night to party down in celebration of Dollface's leaving (wait, that didn't come out right) and ended up see The County Boys. Wish I brought my camera so I could've taken pictures of the babes for you. Too bad so sad. Super fun band though, if I were less cracked, I would've danced.
Also, banjo is a hot hot thing to play. Too bad, it just is. I don't care.

We (Dollface) got hit on so ridiculously badly, we were being beyond rude, but boys are so dense. It was awkward a little bit. Tried to make my favourite Elliott Brood-er run interference for us but he was too awkward about it. I really like that guy though, when he talks I think about how much I love Elliott Brood and then I feel glad.
I had a weird email this morning from one of the hitting-on-dudes who wanted on Dollface, he found this blog somehow, I'd wager.. but I don't know how. Holy welcome to awkward internet times.
He apparently just wanted to know if Dollface plays Ultimate Frisbee.
She doesn't, but she does sometimes have Ultimate Fighting Championships.
With me.
....Naked (yes we all saw that payoff coming.)

I'm getting into telling everyone I have a boyfriend. I think it's funny. I guess it isn't as funny to other people as it is to me.

I don't know what kind of flowers this is, but I bought it today, it cost $2 and it brightens my home. When I notice it, at least.
I don't know what those are called

Oh yeah, I totally have Chelsea Hotel No. 2 on repeat. Like you would not even believe it. It's so perfectly wonderful and I think to myself 'at least I can have mad affairs if I'm going to be perpetually single... and then make poetry that maybe makes it all worthwhile'
I don't care if you don't Leonard Cohen because I like him enough for the both of us.