
nausea fun times

Hmm. I'm not feeling that much better.
Is this stupid flu-like thing replacing my normal performance-cold? That's dumb. At least I can always go on with a cold.

I hate that my first taste of sugar in over a week was Tums... how sad is that?
I think I'm going to pick up some pepto on my way to rehearsal. Yikes. We have a three hour final rehearsal this afternoon, then a bit of a break, and then we go on at 8:45!
Then we have two days off. Which is the awesomest because I am worn down.

And has anyone noticed the pure perfection of the weather lately? Like holy.
Feels like Saskatchewan, a bit. No horrendous humidity, no staying overly-hot all night long. I haven't had the AC on, just the fan, and yet it's perfect sundress weather.
Rehearsing in the park yesterday I got a sweet tan (as much of a tan as I ever get really.. I usually just burn) and lay in the shade for awhile. And then I made my castmate cry. Not really, we're just all over-sensitive and on our last nerves. Another reason why a two day break will be awesome. It'll be like a weekend and stuff.

Hellfire I wish I were feeling better. Ugh ugh. I sincerely hope this stops before 8:45 this evening.
Pray for me.