
it's either nap time or gym time very shortly here

I had an audition early this morning. I could've been back in bed by 11 but I didn't feel tired. Now I surely do. But now it seems too late...

Stupid flippin teen fiction let me down. Thirsty by M.T. Anderson is a pretty great read. But no flippin happy ending, in case you were wondering. Also, I love vampire books and am secretly pretty excited for the Twilight movie that's coming out this winter...
I've only read the first book in that series but having been jonesing for the rest since then.
Jonesing for BLOOOOOOOD

Went to Nick's show on Friday at Cameron House.

nick rose

Sometimes I forget that not everyone knows that when I say I'm going to see "friends of mine" play music that it's the best music ever. It's not shows I feel required to attend, I fully feel lucky to know such clever people sometimes.

Oh lordy I just read icanhascheezburger until I was seriously crying. Maybe 4 hours of sleep was not enough. Hmmm.
Time to make some soup!!!

I forgot this picture in my ode to dollface the other day. Sorry dudes, I know you wanted to see her in my glasses looking like freakin Holly Golightly or some other hot nonsense and imagine going at her from behind (by which I mean, sneaking up on her, like for fun, like as a joke, you would go at her and surprise her! and she would laugh! and you would hold hands and frolic and things! through the park!)

(reflections = awesome)

I just ate most of a can of corn (why do I have canned corn? a) it doesn't go bad, b)I don't have a proper freezer) and I was all like "why is this corn so sweet and tastily delicious?" and then I saw that sugar was on the list on ingredients in my corn.
Maybe I could have it for desert.

Meredith's Tuesday Soup

1/4 big bottle of Mott's Garden Cocktail (left over from the cottage)
1 onion
4 cloves of garlic (unless you are a vampire, in which case, do not use)
1 can of black beans
1/4 can of corn (then eat the rest of its sugary goodness)

put it all in a pot and cook it for awhile. It will be delicious!!!

Waited out the rain on Saturday night to go party more, it was only 2 a.m., after all.

The rain didn't let up.

You know when you start drinking vodka mixed with Gatorade (from a tin, no less) that you are up to no good.

On my way home that night, crossing my street, I stepped in a puddle up to my ankle, completely submerged my red flat. Needless to say, I continued stepping fully into every puddle that came my way after that.