
good morning world, let me barf on your face

Oh hi, booked a part!

Also, so hung over. I'm having issues typing because of how it is making me nauseous.
It's okay I don't have anything to do today besides brat around on the internet.

Anyhow, apparently going to be doing a couple of days on a tv-movie for the Amercian History channel, about the Manson family. Yikes.
But, Yayayaya. Fun times for me. I've been having dreams lately about being on sets.

Actually I had a really good one the other night. After I posted those videos of Jonathan I dreamt that we were shooting a Home Improvement reunion special together and that we had to share a dressing room (this is where you think it gets naughty) and so we became friends and hung out and went and played in the snow and in the sea (my damn dream, it can make as little sense as I'd like). Then we were late getting back to set and our pay got docked but I didn't care because I had a new best friend!
I was actually in a temper when I woke up because I just wanted to get back into that dream.

I worked at the Big Chill all yesterday and it was rainy and no customers except it was made alright by a bunch of my friends coming visit! Hurrah!
I ate way too much ice cream, quelle surprise.

Then top Toronto headshot photographer, David Leyes came around and they did a shoot in front of the store. He and his cohorts moved all my stuff around, bought ice cream, shot photos (not headshots) and was very charming and congeal. If I had an extra spare $700 lying around somewheres I would totally go get my headshots done with him. For certain. When I'm rich.
Anyhow, it helped waste part of my afternoon, that's for sure.
No, do go look at his website if you haven't already, such good stuffs.
Like I dream of being able to do.

After work went for dinner:

oh god
open face open face
(that's my favourite ring I'm wearing, in case you were wondering)
yum yum
open-face veggie burger at Last Temptation. Mostly still avoiding wheat, except in beer format, so didn't eat much of the bun.
veggie burger - $3.25, add side salad for $1.25 = good deal

all photos except this one were taken by her, jfyi

weirdly pretty

his face is totally cut off at the side there, click through to see the whole image, same like always.

oh hi fat cutelet face of mine

Nice patio sit. yessss patios.

After that I met up with Dollface and babes in Trinity-Bellwoods and we park-drank and chattered. My BFF, Spenny, came by and we laughed about some things.

Then Dollface and I head over to Sweaty Betty's which was flippin packed like holy jeezus hipsters calm the eff down. But what do I know because after that shot that Tanya "e-talk" Kim bought me I was o-b-l-i-t-e-r-a-t-e-d. For realzzz. She was very very fun and funny though, not lame like (I assume) Ben Mulroney is. Oh except that episode of the Morgan Waters show with Ben. That was okay. Mostly because it was making fun of Ben though... hmm here you go:

Luckily Dollface and cottage-friend Pony Club (yes I really am going to blog about that trip really soonskies) put me in a cab instead of letting me ride my dumb bike home. Not the smartest cookie in the cradle.
I ran home up my street from the cab in bare feet because wedges are not for running in. Why was I wearing heels, even? That's the real mystery of the evening.

K, guys. I need food or something. Why does everyone have jobs? Why isn't it always brunch time???