whooaa is that Dollface? she's like a mystical beast around here like a unicorn or a talking car or a stallion with wings. She's been busy I guess....................
Anyway, it was fun to see her and paaaarty forever.
like charley's angels only much, much more terrifying:
hahahahah nice:
Yeah we were out looking for rich husbands (just kidding) (not really kidding but we hardcore failed, so.....) and so we had to step outside of our comfort zone. Turns out I don't do things I don't normally do because I only like doing what I normally do.
Oh yeah and the one guy that I talked to (at Czehoski, which isn't even bad) was like:
"we might go to a place in Kensington market after... I don't know if you'd know it... the boat?... oh you know the boat?..... you like cool things, hey?"
I asked him that but he just laughed. I felt annoyed and I drank my hendricks gin and tonic with cucumber slices that raymi made me get.
I mostly stood around and felt annoyed with people. I like to party!
Dollface and Raymi got along right away, which was pretty great.
I wasn't jealous at all of their closeness if that's what you're wondering.
There is not one single shot where we all look anywhere close to the sane, beautiful, smart, articulate women that you know we are (deep, deep down).
Sass looks the best in most of these, she stays cool.
Look, we're at Sneaky Dee's to "eat our feelings". I don't remember us saying this but it must have happened, so I will reference it!
awww lovelies:
Got home so late but full of beans so I didn't feel as horrendously drunk as I probably was... and I didn't write too many embarrassing things into the internet, so all in all it was a pretty fun night!