I like how the windows at Aunties these days get fogged up so lovely like a tiny dream-chalet. leave me alone, I like what I like more than is healthy.

Oh so much more of a better mood today. Thank god! Lunch with a Saskatoon bff only passing through. We went to Aunties again (leave me alone) and had breakfast tacos and cleaned our plates like they probably didn't even need to go into the dishwasher.
McGruff remembered that my friend was from Saskatoon and talked with us for a bit, couldn't understand our love of that city. He's from Montreal, I guess he feels a bit holier-than-thou about it (I mean, Montreal is awesome, I'll give you that for sure...) but I feel like unless you've lived in Saskatoon for a few months you really can't know how it is there...

Then I cleaned up a bit and Cpt. Heh came over for coffee (nope, wait --- mimosas) while I was cleaning and I was talking about having a bit of a dinner party tonight but then my bad mood yesterday made me cancel it because I hated everything in the world at the time but Miss Lindeman was still going to come over (she's leaving for a month soon, so I need to get a bit of face time with her, ya know??). Anyway, so the Cpt. was there drinking mimosas (thanks, wine friend, for my birthday prosecco present sooo good!!!) and eating cheese (old cheddar, dill havarti, smoked gouda) and then we made him stay to eat because he was there anyway and what I was really not into was the big production that a dinner party would take and just one more friend isn't too much of a production....
It ended up being really lovely. Mimosas and then rum and that coconut curry soup I've been on about and there were nice talks and discussions on why we'd like to be/are terrified of being parents and talks about relationships (or lack thereof) and about why TV is terrible and only occasionally great...
My kind of evening.

Now it is bedtime and not terribly late and I feel a bit more equipped to plan my next moves and get moving and respond to babes and be a better human and work on proper projects. HOPEFULLY!

Ha, there's proof that we stay too long and everyone leaves and then finally we pack up and head'er and Aunties is glad to see us go...