If you think I don't laze around all day every day in my pinstripe pajamas then you just don't know me at all.

January blues setting in. Anyone else? It's hard to even consider that we still have February, March, and April to get through! It give me minor anxiety when I think about how cold it's going to be for how long. And I even think I like winter most of the time.
I'm having a bit of embarrassment over my drunk ranting to Cpt. and Miss Lindeman last night... such is life.

Imagine if my hair always looked like that just natural-like? Can I get a wave put in? Is this the 80s?
I had a dream I was January Jones except also me and I was nominated for a Golden Globe (or something) but I kept getting stuck in my mum's basement (my actual mum not JJ's mum) where she was redecorating. Also I was wearing a really really awful dress that was actually two pieces and the skirt was huge and great but the bustier top was soooo bad, both were emerald green, though, totally a colour I would love to wear, and I kept wanting to change out of it but I only had my actual real-life wardrobe to choose from and I was super self-conscious of my fat arms and I was like I can't wear that super-short black party dress because the Mrs. tells me I wear it too much...
I never did make it to the red carpet but luckily it started raining so I didn't feel too badly I just stayed at my mum's house and watched the show on the giant TV we used to have and when the cameras panned to where I was supposed to be sitting beside Christina Hendricks and Jon Hamm there was a cardboard cut-out of January Jones. And I thought "don't they have professional seat-fillers for this sort of thing?"
Imagine I actually got to go to a big awards show? I would be so obnoxious.

I've been cleaning out my google reader, turns out there were things that just annoyed me or people's stuff I felt like I should read but really didn't want to. Not my actual friends, though, I'll read (most) of their stuff no matter what.
But I could use some new great blogs to read? Any suggestions?

I think I'm going to capitalize on having a clean-ish house right now by cleaning a bit more, organizing, throwing things out, and then possibly get around to attempting something creative... I have a few dresses I've been planning out and meaning to make....
Oh yeah, and I'm going to listen to a lot of Kate and Anna McGarrigle by way of youtube because I don't have any of their music but Mum has all their records and I kind of love them, also, RIP Kate, you were pretty nice.