I try not to get too mad about stuff like that. Actually I try not to get too worked up about anything, really. I wonder how much of that is proper coping and how much is suppressing...
There's really loud construction work going on below me (they seem to be ripping so much of the main floor out that I wonder how it will still support me up here...) and so I can't nap. I might still try, though.

Ha, Ruth Buzzi is pretty funny. She wore that around the house for an embarrassingly long time. Way to go, Ruth! I'm getting Ruth's profile ready to go up on the TCR website soon... Then you can adopt her!
Ruth Buzzi doesn't have infinite patience for me. I like that about her, she's not a pushover.

I took this picture while walking from my cousin's house to my friend's house in Saskatoon. Serious sigh dream cottage little tiny house with a wreath and lights and everything. Good location, too. Want.

I took these pictures of myself at my mum's house. Yeah I'm slowly working my way back through the photos hopefully the ones from actual Christmas will come soon. Whatever, I'm only a month behind.

Holy christchild I just realized how broke I am. Ughhhh so classic. Every January. This is getting old like ooooolllllllldddddddddd. Ya know?

I wonder if I could get a job taking pictures of myself. Should I become a camgirl? Is this 2005?
Is there a market for really really awkward solo porn tapes? Probably. Hmmm.
seriously though, IF YOU HAVE A JOB FOR ME, PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME. Thanks!