Today is not really much better than yesterday. No, yeah, things are fine!

It's usually around February/March/April that things start really digging in to me all the time and dragging me down. Seasonal depression comes early this year. Which is extra dumb because I had a big plan in place for how to avoid it.
Not working out like I'd planned.

Brunch today with Sass.
We're both feeling a bit trapped/deflated about Toronto, maybe. This city is hard sometimes.
After brunch I grocery shopped in Kensington and forgot most of what I meant to buy. I considered gluten-free flour and baking stuffs but then I realized how fully broke I am right now. That shit is expensive, yo.
Then I tidied up and had people over about a short film we're planning for. That was good. Yeah, see, that was good. Good for me for doing good things and being productive and staving off depression by making artistic plans. RIGHT?
I also made apple crisp for us to eat and that was delicious.
So life is good.

I'm an actor. I do not have any desire to stop acting or to put it on the backburner.
I do, however, need to find a complimentary career.
Something I can do in tandem with acting. Something with a steady income but flexible-ish hours to work with my acting jobs and auditions.
What is this career?
I have seriously been thinking about this for so long and I haven't come up with anything, really.
real estate
some sort of home-business/owned business
boss (instead of golfing I would go to auditions)
personal assistant .
writer (because this is lucrative)
I don't have any university, I don't know how to use Microsoft Word, I don't have any interest in working until 4 a.m., I'm kind of tired of customer service, and I think I deserve to be paid a living wage.

Haa, that picture looks extra intense after all that, eh?
Oh, also, maybe having no money and no real jobs keeps me "hungry" for acting work? Why aren't I a super successful actor yet, then?