1. She's my closest cousin (therefore I can say she's my favourite all I like because all the other cousins have better things to worry about)
2. She's very smart (I would be that she's smarter than you. No but really.)
3. She has stupid-cute offspring. Ughhh why does everyone get to have babies and I don't?
4. When I was little she would sleep over sometimes (oh yeah, she's 7 years my senior so I always looked up to her in a big big big way) and she taught me how to change without ever getting fully naked. Useful Skills (for gym class in 9th grade)
5. She's the reason I'm vegetarian (just kidding, it's JTT's fault for sure, but she's also to blame as I joined her bandwagon when she decided to go veg... I believe hers lasted about a month and mine is going on 13 years... you have beef (aaaaaaaahahah) with my vegetarianism and slight combativeness surrounding such issues, talk to my cousin!

6. She thinks I'm really funny. Now, of course, I think she's very funny as well, but I do appreciate that she fully appreciates my sense of humour and goes with it. I'm not that easy to understand sometimes and also she could have chosen to see me as her annoying little cousin forever more, and instead she seems to have realized how SPECTACULAR I am. Good work, team.
7. The world of ZIGN (how would you even spell that, cuz?) -- we played forever in my backyard and in the magical world that she made up that we got to by swinging a special swinging way on my jungle gym in the backyard (I can't tell you exactly cause I don't want you to go to there) and we were the princesses there! BEING THE PRINCESSES IS THE BEST.
Also, good work cousin on not making yourself the queen and me a lowly princess cousin sort. You are great.
8. We both don't have dads. Growing up for awhile there it was the five of us - mum, me, cousin, aunt and other aunt. FIVE BEST FRIENDS WHO LOVE EACH OTHER MORE THAN ANYTHING.
And to be honest, it's still a bit like that (I'm the luckiest girl) just with more people involved and a bit more distance and such.
But my cousin and I were both kids of single mums and smart and with big imaginations and the ability to play by ourselves and not rely on everyone for everything. Kinda makes sense.
9. When she babysat me she let me talk on the phone with her boyfriends. She did spend the entire time on the phone so it was only fair. Haha, no but she always had so many boyfriends!!
10. I taught her how to drive a bit at the gravel pit (holy shit son I miss going to the gravel pit with my family so fun like sliding down the gravel hills and climbing up and collecting the best tiny stones and making up stories, you don't even know. sometimes I fully forget how fucking great my whole family is. okay, not really, but sometimes I forget some of the specifics.) and she didn't know at all and wasn't a pain about it at all and we drove round and round. So fun.
11. She loved the Micra almost as much (more?) as I did. If only her bf hadn't totaled it!!! just kidding still like him I guess. Christ, I loved that Micra, it was my first car, so tiny and compact and made of freedom and speed and mostly freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedome. Anyway, she understood that as well. She really did.
12. She's still the kind of person I look up to but also allows me to become a person that she'll admire in some ways too, I think. She has let me become her peer in a really lovely way and I loved having her come hang with me in Toronto and yeah..... you know.
13. This isn't really one, but one year a freight train overturned right beside our land (we own land by a lake that is also along a railroad track) and we played on the overturned cars and climbed on them and looked inside and I remember loving my cousin so much at that point, and her being such a moody teenager... haaa so lovely, ya know?

(there we are sitting on top of one of them, she's slightly apart from brother and I... perfect.)
Okay that's enough for now. There's a trillion more but now I'm crying and I don't feel like crying I feel like going to bed and it's very late! and so that's enough. Haaaaaaa, ridiculous.
Love you forevers, obviously, gosh.