Cool combo!
I put a shit-tonne of effort into applying for a program that I just never heard back from. (Didn't even get an audition? Fuck that noise) and I'm annoyed about it but at the same time it was kind of fun (I don't know if fun is the right word here, maybe satisfying?) to put a lot of effort into something and do a good job and feel pleased.
I should do that more. I don't work well without deadlines though.
That's why I'm pleased for the sketch class I've signed up for. It should be good to have to write things and have assignments and get critiqued and be told why something is or isn't funny. Because I for sure don't always know.
Also it'll just get things moving.
Anything that gets me working on shit is worthwhile.
I'm working everyday until Sunday. Twice on Thursday. This is not the lifestyle I'm used to or pleased with. Shifts at skydome are getting longer and longer and it's less like part time. Usually the shifts are over 6 hours without breaks. Not that that's terrible (by any means), it's just that I always forget how tuckered out I get with working so many days in a row.
I just don't know how much longer I can work in service.
I just don't know...
Had lunch today with the BFF and our old boss from the ice cream parlour. Pretty fun, gotta say. I love that girl in an easy sort of way that's different from a lot of other friendships.
Partly because I trust her, I think. By which I mean, I trust her judgment and intelligence and opinions. Not that I don't with all my other friends.... although she is a bit more level-headed than a lot of us!
Anyhow, she leaves for Paris this week and I still haven't made all the moneys I had planned on to go and visit her there.
Quick, some cast me in something and pay me thousands of dollars so I can go have so much fun times!!!!!!!
Okay here are some pictures from Saskatoon.
Everytime I go back I have grilled cheese platters from Jerry's Food Emporium with Steve-Dave and Constantine.

I met Steve-Dave when she and I were both working there. Then we both stopped working there, then we both started again and worked mornings together and it was Very Fun. At first I thought Steve was a bit shallow and spoiled but then I saw her reading a Rohinton Minstry book and I loved her (I was impressed even though I hadn't read it).

Constantine used to come in back in the day with his crew of loud boys and I had the BIGGEST CRUSH on him like I can't even explain to you. And we became friends only right before I moved away when I invited him to come to the Jerry's Christmas party with me (he didn't come but he came to my birthday/going-away party)...
He's one of the friendliest, most loving people I know. In the LOUDEST MOST OBNOXIOUS FUNNIEST way.
You can see why he's one of my favourite people.

Our friend Robert Pattinson came along for this trip (look at that hair!)

I'm still off gluten so I made Const eat most of my grilled cheese because he still insisted that we all needed to order our platters.
I guess it just wouldn't be the same any other way.

Also, every time I'm there I fill up my pop cup with about every kind of soda (7 different kinds maybe?) and every time I think it's very very gross.

offensive sign, much?

Also, we always dip our fries in tartar sauce and I also put syrup on mine. HOLY GROSS AND SO DELICIOUS.
Steve got this new tattoo which I think is sexy.

Tried to make everyone take sexy pictures with their ice cream bars. Didn't go as well as it could have.

See what he's eaten that into the shape of? Nice.

Ugh now I miss Saskatoon again. Jeezily.

I love Const's watch and also ridiculous get-ups these days. Still wears the tightest pants I've seen on a man. Ridiculous. And rad.
I made him slick his hair back like that and then I laughed and laughed.

Sometime in this trip we got into if Osh Kosh B'Gosh made galoshes which of course lead to:
Boss David Cross's Botched Osh Kosh B'Gosh Crotch Gotch Galoshes (And Digital Watches!)
Which is impossible to say over and over again. But fun!

Arrrrrg okay almost time for work again and it's going to be sooooooooo slow that I might die of boredom but not if I die of annoyance first!
I think if maybe I didn't work every shift at the dome it might be a billion times more bearable. Luckily the season there is so close to being over. Maybe by April I will be ready for something completely different. Please?