That's not good.
That's unacceptable, really. I need to have more confidence in things more stick-to-it-iveness. But, yeah, I've been saying that for years.
Two-hour season premieres take up way too much of my life.
I love House. I love it. I love him, especially.
Man that season premiere movie thing was TERRIBLE. So offensively bad. Why was it also so good, though? That's the real question.
So good and yet so bad and terribly plotted and stuff.
I do love it that Run Lola Run was there, though.
And it made me want to rewatch One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
All I want to do is watch TV on the internet. ALL I WANT TO DO.
Work last night was kind of fun. I worked with one of my favourite co-workers and it was really busy and we weren't in a big hurry to clean up at the end - we just ate pizza and chatted and got things done eventually (whatever pizza, I was sick in so many different ways it's not like I could tell the difference last night yayayay wheat! omg it was so good too, can't even tell you).
We did have a bit of a screw-up near the end which made us feel pretty dumb but, hey, that's the way the pork.
I've been using Safari a lot more than Firefox the past few days. Does anyone else find that Firefox crashes every few minutes? I guess I do usually have about 2 pages and 10 tabs open at any given time plus a whole bunch of other applications running...
I'm kind of into Safari though, it seems to have improved a lot in the past year since I last used it.
I had lunch the other day with my first Toronto boyfriend. Of course, I always use the term "boyfriend" lightly given that nothing with me lasts that long. (yay!)

Anyway, I met Russ through Carnathan when I first moved here. I saw his band, The Mark Inside play one night and my friend and I decided to befriend them. And also have crushes on them (band of babes, seriously, go look).

Russ and I have been vague friends since then and I've still been a huge supporter of their music (so good) but we don't really hang out too much but we probably should because it's always pretty fun. Mostly just a lot of laughing and making fun of each other. Obviously best pastimes.

We went to the bookstore before brunch. When I first knew him Russ had no interest in reading whatsoever and it was funny when he discovered novels and then it was all over his facebook about what he was reading and what he liked and stuff. Pretty nice. Yayayayay reading!

I ended up buying three Margaret Laurence novels and another book I liked the cover of. He ended up buying nothing.
(I love Margaret Laurence because I am very quickly turning into my mother.)

It's funny to think back on different times in my life and what I found funny and past jokes and past experiences and friendships. I'm not really close with any of the girlfriends that I had when I knew Russ. Well, Prune, but now she's living in Montreal. Just interesting. Makes me want to go back through and read my journals from then. I like remembering everything and knowing everything.

He did this dance number:
And I laughed.