Went to the Double Deuce in Saskatoon on my last night there. Went with Steve-Dave (pictured with me, above), Constantine and co.

Constantine went back into the bar in this getup:

Which I don't remember where he got it... but it was very sexy.
Wow that bar is a shit show. I got real drunk before we even went over there because I had people over and we drank sangria and beers and stuff. But then Double Deuce just kind of put me over the edge. It's awful in there. I'm clearly over-reacting.
But it's in a mall! And one time a while ago a guy was leaving there drunk and drove his car into a group of people. Classic.
And scary and bad. Obviously.

I made a worried face the whole time at the bar. That part was kind of fun.

I didn't take any pictures that really explain why it's bad news.

Steve's sister is pretty ridiculous. In a very solid way.

yeah. We didn't even stay long at the deuce. We went to Boston Pizza for last call. And Steve-Dave ordered a paralyzer. I have never encountered a paralyzer in Toronto.
Fucking Saskatoon.
I'm growing out my bangs. I think. I haven't not had bangs in about 8 years probably? I'm also trying to get back to my natural hair colour. More work than you'd think. I have a feeling it's dark blonde/light brown (mousy!)
I should get some real problems.
New IMDB credits make me feel pleased. Especially when nothing much else is going on.
Oh yeah, I signed up for a sketch class. WHOA INTIMIDATING.
Mum told me it was okay to max out my credit card for a sketch class. She knows me too well.
I'm also going to buy a WII fit. Does anyone have any reason why I shouldn't? But for realz?
I haven't been out at all lately. Where's my party-all-the-time spirit? Up the butt?
I don't know, dudes. Might have to rearrange my priorities.
Watched Brad Renfro's "last interview" on the internet a couple of weeks ago and it's been sort of affecting me. I don't like the editing of it, but I always thought Brad Renfro was great and brilliant and neat.
And what he has to say about not letting anything get in between you and your goal, be it alcohol (check), food (check), or drugs (won't do them because I know I would get addicted to everything for sure)... it makes so much sense.
So... we'll see. Maybe changes. Maybe more resisting by keeping on the party train.
I wonder how long I can keep working in customer service. It feels more and more like I'm reaching the end of my rope.
Though, ya know, I've been in a pretty good mood the last few shifts and have made decent money and felt alright.
Tiiiiiired of it still.
Okay I'm going to go use the first product I ever bought from Lush.
I hate working every day and having cash in hand because it makes me feel like I can buy things.