That little shit!
Haha, it's hard to be mad at cats. If it were possible for me to stay mad at cats I would definitely not ever have any at my house.
Luckily Theresa and I have become best friends (except for the stuff-ruining). Not the kind of best friends that get their pictures taken, though.
Maybe soon. I need to keep the camera beside me at all times because if I get up to get it she disappears back into her numerous hiding places.
Anyone have an extra cellphone charger? For a samsung? That looks like that except preferably with the plug in still attached, I guess.

If not, looks like I'll be spending a lot of time at the houses of people who own these chargers. Everyone loves a visitor!!!
I kind of love my phone, now that you ask. Which is good because I still have a year on the contract. Then I will get an iphone because that's what kind of obnoxious kid I am.
I'm in a good mood!
I had sketch writing class today and I came up with some pretty good ideas but what I'm noticing is that I very much like talking other people's ideas out (and improving them). I dream of someday being no a team of writers.
I should, actually, be amassing a group of sketch writers now to work on a show with. We could have table discussions and everything!
These days, I'm very into the idea of being a writer. Very, very into. I've even been writing, that's how into it I am.
Amazing, right?
I think that's part of my good mood. A writing high can last a couple of days for me. It gets me positive that I can keep on like this, that I can always pull it through, that I can always be a good worker and like what I'm writing.
At some point that'll be true.
These days it's two steps forwards, 1.5 steps back. But I'm still getting better. I'm still working a bit. I'm still creating.
I'm not where I want to be with it, but I'm still happy for me.
In other news, I think I'm going to go to Paris. That seems like just the sort of irrational idea that I'd like.
But really, I've never been out of Canada. And I've always, always wanted to go to Paris. And when will I have a place to stay again?