These two are from a few summers ago and I'm not really friends with anyone in them still, except Prune, who is a life-friend.

The boys lived down the block from me and we called them the porch boys because they sat on their porch all the livelong day. Original, hey? I had crushes on both of them at one time or another. That one shirt says "Imagine a world with more bears". I love it.

Here are some that SteveDave uploaded to Facebook from my August visit!

Oh the fun we had! I never wear a scarf like that. But it's coming on fall... so maybe I'll start.

Here are a couple that Zach took of me.

Did I post these already? WHO KNOWS! I kind of wish my hair were really that dark red brown sort of deal yo.

My aunt took this photo in May and the prairies are all brown in the way I like and my cousin and her daughters are in it!

That is why it is a good photo. I love my family.

I probably posted my photos from this party at some point or another but I gotta say, parties I go to these days don't have enough BABIES at them.

Sass took this photo I think at Sneaky Dee's probably

And the reason why it is awesome is that Deck's giant nose is lit up in it. Handsome.
Sass actually takes most of the photos of me.
I took this photo on Deck's camera on the way to Owen Sound, I think? We live in Toronto!

I was supposed to take good photos on there for him. Fail.
Whenever I call Accost, this is what she sees:

Responsible sunscreen wearing at the Vimmy Memorial show in Saskatoon in August.

I don't know what to nickname the dude who took this. I'll think on it.

Another from Sass, I like the look of this all around.
Okay sketch writing class time!