
I'm avoiding writing right now!

I have this theory that my main block for writing is not knowing where things are going properly. Yes, well, obviously. What I mean, more specifically, is that I could write a screenplay quite easily if it were outlined for me. Well-outlined.

Does anyone want to test out this theory with me and co-write a short?
You send me the outline. I do mean outline, not just an idea, not just a plotline, but a bit of a fleshed out outline.
And then I'd write it all out?

The one flaw in this plan is that if I don't like the idea I definitely won't get around to writing it.
But maybe I would.

Who's in?

Shit, I spend so much time thinking about writing and whenever I sit down to do it... I just don't.
Fucking shitttty buzz.

I need to pull up my socks. Who raised me this lazy?
Mum, I'm looking at you.
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