faaaavourite favourite favourite
Went to Slippers' going away party/show at the Tranzac last night.

Awwwwwwww. I'm not glad when people move away. Especially when they are tall and bearded and get fake married to me. I guess I will be up for fake-grabs again!

Poppy was looking (silly) nice and was chatting up babes. Oh yeah, Poppy's single. By the way...

He is pretty handsome but he always ruins it by yelling a lot.

Haha just like me.

(my hair looks weirdly long there, eh? And damaged!)
Party of one:

Cheespie was looking pretty hot all tight skirted up like that. What what.

Cpt. Heh was in a bad mood so I took unflattering pictures of him to cheer him up!

it was quite quite chilly last night but this morning was too warm for last night's outfit. I put on some summertime things and went out into it!
it was sunny and delicious out I believe I almost got a sunburn from hanging out in Trinity Bellwoods all afternoon.

Shambers fixed my bike!
All I had to do was say "Shambers! Fix my bike!" and then he did! Well he didn't make it quite perfect but it is much better now, running true and all of that. And now the brakes are more than just ornamental.
Being able to stop is an integral part of biking.
I don't remember if I nicknamed this one friend yet but she rides a fixed gear and she was spray painting her handlebars to have a monochromatic bike. mmhmm. It looked very good. All grey and stuff. Good story! I will call her Fay.
I do kind of like hanging out in the park while people work on bikes. It makes me feel like I have hobbies and interests.
I saw some people playing softball and I really wanted to play softball. Anyone?
Shambers was outnumbered by us ladies because it was just Cheespie and Niki and Fay and I and all of a sudden he was like "WHERE ARE THE MEN?" out of the blue like that and Chees repeated it while scouting across the lawn and there was a line of them walking towards us.
Sent from heaven.
Well, not quite.

We ladies went to Java House for food and sat on the patio and the group of people at the next table gave us their half pitcher of beer as they were leaving. Nice!
I put a teabag in some of it. It wasn't horrible. It wasn't great either.

My life is average.
Here is Fay:

It's not my fault she made that face. It's hers.
Here we tried to make it seem as though I were crying beer. It didn't work out. My life is average.

This post is brought to you by Cheespie's face!

Oh yeah, I watched Away We Go yesterday and guess what?
I loved it!
Yeah, it was a bit much in a couple of places but how great is Maya Rudolph? And John Krasinski too, for that matter? So lovely! I cried. I cry at everything!
Also so jealous of the place they end up in. Really fucking nice.
Here is the trailer if you are wondering what the hell I'm talking about:
Oh, yeah, also: Theresa's been out and about much more but she still refuses to come near me. She's currently half-asleep about 2 feet from me but if I get up she will certainly run and hide again. Poor pretty little beast. She's really quite perfect.
Aww I just tried to take her photo but the flash scared her away...