Oh, look, I found some Christmas presents for me. Congratulations to me!
These gems are at that little antique/junk store right beside Aunties. When that store is open I am going to buy these things I bet. I bet I could shop for everyone in that store, actually. I kind of forget how much rad shit is in there. Especially the broaches. I've been eying all those up for some time now.

Yeah, so, back in Toronto and it's real nice out, sunny and almost too hot but not quite. Got in late last night and resisted the urge to find a party-all-time and instead I watched tv on the internet and read my book.

I went shopping in my mum's house and made a good haul including:
a) a blue glass mixing bowl (can you believe I only owned one tiny mixing/salad bowl?? What's wrong with me?)
b) 2 spoons that are shaped like bowls they're the nicest kind of spoons, kind of hard to come by decent ones these days. Luckily my mum collects them.
c) an ugly blue and white bowl. Whatevs I need more bowls.
d) Two Margaret Laurence novels (!!). She's my favourite. Well, I mean, I've only read the Diviners and The Stone Angel but I still remember most of those books and that means they're good. I read so many novels that I immediately forget all of. That means they are bad.

I shopped a lot in Saskatoon. That's kind of backwards but it also makes sense. I may or may not have blown $45 at Ardene but I don't care because that's my FAVOURITE STORE. Sweet sunglasses and bags and shoes. Toronto locations are picked over but Lawson mall in Saskatoon, uh huhhhh.
Also did Mennonite Clothes Closet and Value Village. I'm mostly in love with this blue dress I'm wearing. Jersey dresses are the most comfortable things ever.

(the camera fell over while taking my picture. And I liked it.)
Had brunch with Deck today at Aunties and then it felt pretty good to be back in Toronto. McGruff said "Face it, you're never going to live in Saskatoon ever again." I disagreed.
Yeah, maybe I'll never live there permanently, but definitely for some months and plus I'm going to own a sweet cottage and hang out there all summers and shit. Just try and stop me.

I'm working for about the next billion days. And not impressed with that. All of my black pants are still ugly and gross and I don't want to wear them.
ACC shifts again soon and I remember liking that place better so maybe it'll be alright?
Maybe for just one more year? Two more years?

I think I'm still hung over from two nights ago (fucking Double Deuce) but I'm maybe ready to party a tiny bit.
I'm thinking probably Tattoo tonight where we can dance to Motown (all I ever do anyway) and hit on Sassss.