I feel like we should all act like the sort of people we'd like to attract. Now, I never put that into total practice, but it's a nice theory. And I feel like selfish behaviour attracts selfish behaviour.
I cut some more of my hairs off yesterday and now I like it better.
Went to visit my agent yesterday to drop off the DVD of A Small Thing (the cover has my face on it, even!!) and stayed and talked to him for a bit. I really, really like my agent. I don't know if I've mentioned, but, I really like my agent.
He kept going on about how well I was looking (except also agreed that my hair colour is a bit much, I'm working on it). He suggested it might be time to put together a bit of a reel to add to my casting workbook profile.
Now I have to go through everything and decide which bits to use. And figure out how to make the damn thing, even.
Party town last night. Went to Whippersnapper with Sass and her friend. Pretty fun party, art + dance party + cheap drinks - heat = good times. Way, way too hot in there. Drippy hot. We spent a lot of time out on the sidewalk, cooling off, as did a lot of other people. I like sidewalk parties. One of my favourite friends was right next door with his buds and so went and partied with them a bit too. He really is one of my favourite friends, our relationship is kind of bizarre and we don't have any mutual friends, really. But we do have a mutual desire for partying.

Ended up at Sneaky Dee's after for foods with friend's buds but not friend. I don't know what possessed me to go, since I definitely have to work at 11.
I'm dumb.
Real dumb.
Oh yeah, one of the dudes from Degrassi (tng) was at Whip, and I sort of know him and some girls on the street recognized him and somewhat accosted him and I found that toooo funny and jumped right in too
"Are you off the TV?"
"You're that dude from the TV!!! I know you!"

That picture was supposed to be of him getting accosted but then I have poor focussing skillz whilst drunk and while it's dark out. Still kind of neat.
He told me that I was also off TV and should quit that. I didn't.
It's too hot. Much too much.
Hates it.
Don't want to go to work today. Hope I make all the moneys.