My NXNE-ing partner in crime and also doll-face extraordinaire had some remarkably awkward moments last night. So Whoaly Bejezus awkward.
Especially when we met up with a dude she was involved with briefly and he was beyond all stoney-faces and making angry and also Don't-Care-High attitudes at us. So awkward. I almost felt like he was insulting me for being on TV he was giving off that bad of Death-Ray-Vibes.
He had a a babely friend who invited us along to go to the next place and doll-face was all "we have to go meet someone..." BUT THEN we ended up at the same next venue.
Actually made it to a lot of shows last night. Pretty nutso.

yeah I was pretty in love with those candy-cane lights...

Then we headed down to Queen where we spent the rest our our night.
Small Sins

Two Hours Traffic
(too packed for pictures)
Flash Lightnin
(they are always at Dakota on Wednesdays so I guess if we don't make it to Dakota, Dakota brings itself to us..)

fast as lightnin

speaking of bearded fiercely

(tiny bit of) White Cowbell Oklahoma
(pictures later maybe)
By the end I was so remarkably exhausted that my eyes just kept closing. Sitting on the back of the bench at Horseshoe I was virtually asleep. What a party animal.
It's too bad since the real-time partying gets done post 3 am during this madhouse bullshit weekend.
Hopefully tonight lends itself better to my party spirit.
Oh yeah the other thing is that I'm working all weekend at Big Chill around my party time attitude. It's going to be pretty awful, I bet.
Hey guys, you know what's hard work? Communication!
You know what else is hard work? Relationships!
I'm always in a constant struggle to decide if things are worth saying. If the fact that I am distressed by certain behaviours actually matters, if it would do anyone any good saying something.
I expect a lot in friendships. This means that I have some of the most spectacular humans in my life, but it also means I don't hold on to things that aren't really working. Both in terms of relationships and friendships.
I don't know
Wow I almost sneezed a whole mouthful of green tea all over the keyboard. so close