It is beyond impossible to do so in the presence of handfuls of drink tickets.. but I managed. Pretty glad this morning, gotta say..
My feet hurt so, so much. My commitment to party-time really astounds me.
Taste of Little Italy yesterday. If there were any way in hell that I could've gotten out of working this festival then I sure 100% would have. I don't know why it feels so goddamn awful this year. But it does.
I tire very quickly of customers.
Really really pretty girls work at the chill. Maybe I'm biased because I really like them all, but no, seriously. It's kind of funny how pretty they are.
It was nice taking my break with a couple of the girls and wandering the festival.

But then we saw a SABER-TOOTHED TIGER!!!

I felt kind of bad leaving early but that sort of what you have to do at the chill. Set your boundaries and then stick to them. At all costs. Sometimes you even have to sacrifice your friends but what can you do?
Doll-face and I hit up the Grand Analog show and danced and took pictures. Those dudes sure get a odd assortment of crowd going.. I like it a lot. Also, if I were to review Odario's performance, I would say that he is quite obviously a theatre kid, in the best possible way. It's really quite endearing.
We meant to hit up more nxne stuff, but we had to go meet peeps at the Gladstone and once we were handed drink tickets.. well...
Yeah a bit of a celebriparty last night at Gladstone which Sass was kind enough to +1 me into, and my Doll-Face's friends who I think are great were organizing (drink tickets!!!). It wasn't a very PARTY party, it was more about the schmooze and the swag. Should've been more of an obnoxious dance party..
For sure the best swag room was the Herbal Essences one because they had CANDY. And free hair products. Actually the best swag room was probably the Puma room, but I wasn't able to get all up in that.
Sass's dreamy photog friend was super kind enough to lend me his all-access pass on his way out. Aww. I'm glad because that enabled me to get candy. And all enabling is good enabling.
Number 1 celebrity sighting of the evening - obviously Dwight from The Office.
Also NKOTB. Tooooo funny.
Joey McIntyre looks a little too much like one of my bosses at ACC and then I felt weird like maybe I should have a crush on my manager because of it but then I realized that nope, I don't have to. Yay!
I made Jordan Knight feel awkward!!! I don't think he found the love face that I made at him during our picture together as funny as I did. (picture from Sass to come soon. too funny.)
Jordan Knight totally waved good-bye to Sass.

(Oh hai, I'm so Don't-Care-High)

We took pictures in the Gladstone elevator, it was very very hard for me to keep a straight face at that point because other people came up behind Sass and took pictures too.
(Yaya I got my own paparazzi!)
I didn't party until 4, and I'm totally proud of myself.
I did end up on a kind of dreamy walk home that involved hanging out for a bit on the playground in Bellwoods.. and then I exercised some self-restraint!
Holy successful evening.
Holy mature.
Holy my feet hurt. Just the idea of standing on them some more today.................................................
p.s. I'm loving my hair colour again. This is the colour I wanted it to be. Red is such a ridiculous colour to have and maintain. My life is hard.