(we took pictures on the red carpet after it was all closed and I thought that was TOO funny and then some girls followed our lead and I thought that was great). For sure.
The Big Chill is so close to having a revolt. It would be funny if it wasn't so terrible. Our boss is so crazy.
Every year at Little Italy everyone gets into giant fights and everything goes to shit. Which is what happens when you overwork and overtire your employees. Also, so illegal.
Also, the only reason any of us are working is because we all feel bad leaving our friends.. we can't stand up for ourselves because then someone else would just have to pick up our slack. Like if I push to leave at a decent time, then someone else just has to work more.
So effed
I have a bruise on my rib where I hit into the freezer bending down to scoop ice creams
In an email the other day a dude expressed that emoticons are now necessary for communication.
He is wrong.
Emoticons create and promote laziness. No need to be clever or thoughtful, no sir, just add a smilie and everyone will know what you mean!!!
Emails and e-communication is growing less and less thoughtful and I want to read neat things and interesting expressions!!!
Come on now give it to me
Is it wrong to ask someone if they are mentally ill? Like sometimes I just want to check.. before I get all up in it
Trying to surreptitiously learn someone's ethnic origins can be pretty funny. I'm the least racially adept person. I am embarrassingly naive about all cultures, geography, and ethnic differences. I have no idea about anything.
Woody Allen and Seinfeld are Jewish? Obvious to you, never occurs to me to think about it. I'm completely perceptiveless.
What's your last name?
How do you feel about Christmas?
How do you like your candles? Just one or maybe all in a row in some sort of holder?
What do you make your dreidel out of?
Last summer I pretty much had too many babes and it was messiness and I didn't really like any of them enough or if I did like them then they were bitches or didn't like me enough or had lovely, lovely girlfriends and
I'm not really wanting a repeat of that this year
except I'm also not really feeling relationship-time
I mean, summer is party town and babe-city and I want to get all up in that.. without the shitty feelings that come from feeling like maybe there is never going to be the right kind of babe for me
Where is that happy medium at? I don't think it exists.
It's already like last summer repeating and I'm pushing to see what I can get from people and pining after ideals that I've made up completely...
Try for not doing that. Try for less patterns less repeated bad decisions

it looks like I drank a lot, but I didn't. I'm just always holding some brews

drink tickskies! (I totally didn't use all of them up, what a lame waste! Horrendous.)

new bf Joey McIntyre, he's really quite cute. Kind of looks like he's about to claw me a bit though.

new other bf Jordan Knight. He was just weirded out by me fer sure. Maybe because I have demon eyes. And because we showed him that picture and I yelled "that's hilarious!!!"
Dammit I don't want to go back to Big Chill no sir oh holy jeeze.
save us