Went to the park and ran around and I worked on my end monologue and added some pretty funny (to me) bits. Got really really excited about finally doing a play! I love theatre! I miss theatre!
We rehearse in a park next to a cool church

Last night mum and I went to the cast and crew screening of A Small Thing, which is the short film I did back in November for my friend Adam. It premieres next week at the CFC's worldwide shorts festival - in case you are forgetting.
It was nice to go the screening, which was held at the extremely fancy Spoke Club. My friend, mother, and I all visited the bathrooms on the way out and we all had our own private room (naturally) but as we were coming out, my friend beckoned us into hers to show us the ultra fancy hand-dryer which you put your hands all the way inside. Yeah, we played with that for a bit. Except it was extremely loud and so I'm sure everyone in the fancy dining room heard us white trash horsing around in the bathroom.
The thing is, I'm still going to be like that even when I'm extremely rich and famous.
You can only go to Spoke Club if you are a member, and you can only join if you are successful in the arts/media/culture business and if you are invited. And you can't bring your body-guards and entourage inside with you - so don't even try it.
Mum and I walked down this alley/road on our way there. It looked sort of like Montreal. Those new giant recycle bins are eyesores.

I took my mum to dinner at Squirrley's and the server was really baffled at my mother's request for a class of milk. It was pretty good.
Then we went to the movies. We wanted to see Baby Mama but it wasn't playing at that theatre. So we ended up at Narnia.
Hmmm. Yeah, that wasn't a very good. Movie. But I still liked it. I hate battle scenes though, especially un-clever battle scenes. But all of those kids are pretty watchable, especially the little girl who played Lucy, I like her a lot. And the dude who played Peter is pretty babely. Not to mention Caspian himself. Oh, and I think Susan was so pretty and looked so good in chainmail. I want to become a creative anachronist just to be able to dress up like that...
I know these movies are bad, but I still feel some of the magic in them that I did when I read this series as a child.
But only some of it.
We wanted to go see Baby Mama.. maybe we'll try and see that too. But then I got to reading movie reviews today and I'd also really like to see The Stone Angel and And Then She Found Me (even though the reviews said the donor insemination parts are a little absurd and that always gets me...)
I love movies!!
I always forget how much I love movies!
After Prince Caspian it was about 1 a.m. (which is late for old people and for people who hang out with old people because old people leach the energies of the youth just to feed their waning spirits. jk gosh.) so we took the streetcar home instead of walking like we had been all day.

Today my mum is wandering around going to galleries and things that I don't really care about and I am being a selfish host and playing on the computer instead. But I'll go hang out with her later and stuff. So it's fine.
I'm out of my favourite perfume and I don't smell like myself and it's bothering me. I've worn this kind of perfume since 2001 and I'm not going to tell you what it is in case you think maybe you'd also like to smell like delicious baked goods and sugars and then you go and buy it too and then we smell the same and then my one secret weapon for babe-entrapment (jk, I don't even need any weapons because have you even seen me? gd I'm so hot, it's unbelievable, really...........................) would be not so secret anymore.
Okay, fine, you can know.
It's just plain old lemon vanilla from Fruits and Passion. It doesn't matter because it wouldn't smell as good on you anyhow.
It's so nice though.
OMG I'm having a shit fit, I'm looking at their website and it's not listed on there anymore and I'm going to cry for real if they've discontinued it. I needed to stock up!
Oh god I have to go there!