(If you didn't guess 'me' then you are dumb)
Well, I didn't defrost the freezer or clean out the microwave.. but besides that, it looks pretty great in here. In my humble opinion.
I wonder how long it will last?
(a. Not long)

If I had a closet my house would look way cleaner. That's a sweet desk by the window I have going on right now though.

haha the computer has my own blog on the screen. Lame. That's a stack of books for my mum to read while she's here. Gotta keep old people occupied!

Yeah. I painted my toilet seat cover.
My mum is out with her friend right now, going to visit some paintings of hers that live out here now. My mum is obsessed with herself.
I like having a few minutes alone though.. my apartment is seriously too small for more than one person.
I went and picked my mum up at the airport last night and then we went straight out for dinner with my bff to Utopia. Goddamn is Utopia delicious. Holy Eff. We started with the deep-fried brie and raspberry coulis and then I had the veggie souvlaki and mum had the mushroom and pesto quesadilla and we sharedsies.
We finished off all the gravy also. God gravy is such a rare and delicious treat in my life.
My mum really liked my BFF which was good since I do too. And also because my mum would probably tell me if she didn't. Yike.
Afterwards mum and I went to see some comedy in Kensington at Bread and Circus. Pretty fun times. A few different acts, the first half was pretty killer but the second half fell hard. One guy just told lots of jokes about how men and women are different. HILARIOUS!!!!! I will never get over just how very funny it is that men and women are different! Women are just so manipulative and no matter what a man does he can never win!!!!!
HO hoohohho
After the show we walked back to my hood and stopped for some Big Chill ice cream in the rain. Mum had the ginger ice cream (naturally).. and I missed pistachio..
We were totally women-about-town! Just like Sex and the City!! Except with less sex. Way less sex. Hopefully.
Today I have rehearsal and then I'm going to go to the ROM with my mum and her friend. Though maybe only briefly, since I get bored/distracted way too easily.
I'm so uncultured!