
hey check this

entry I found from my diaryland diary circa 2003 (Oct. 21st to be exact):

i found out some amazing news. well, i hope it's amazing. bill priddle isn't touring with treble charger anymore. according to the internet he's taking a break and may return for their next project. he's been playing a lot of solo shows (awesome awesome awesome), and working with a new band. how delicious. for those of you unfamiliar with my previous obsession with treble charger, bill priddle used to be the brilliant lead singer, before poppunk greig took over and turned it all to shit..more or less. bill priddle is a genious and it has been making me sad to see him waste away and rot in treble charger. (not that i don't still secretly love them a little.) when i went to see them in edmonton last spring i wrote them a letter, and in it i told him to quit. i'm so happy. and he lives in toronto! and i'm going to live in toronto! which means that i'll get to go to his shows. i'll get to go to everyone's shows. i think i'll make concert-seeing a priority. especially if elliott or belle and sebastian come around. holy fuck. i'll set aside part of the budget for concert seeing. bill priddle likes belle and sebastian. see how out of place he's become in tc?

good work bill priddle. good fucking work

notes from a 2008 perspective:

- Fuck. I'm still so, so heart-broken about Elliott Smith

- Some of that was a bit harsh

- I am still the creeper that I always have been

[serious blog hits for my story about ryan malcolm peeing. um, ryan, if it's you and you want it taken down, just email me and let me know...]
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