I'm such a wienery fangirl when I talk about him. I felt a bit better when I caught up with my friend who said he approached Bill on the bus the other day to tell him about how great he is.
I found him after his set in the crowd
me: I really, really enjoyed your set, it was quite lovely
bp: thank you
me: I've been waiting for this album for 7 years! I was so excited when you left Treble Charger, I wanted just to hear your stuff..
bp: that means a lot to me, seriously
(I might have gone on to tell him about how I wrote him a letter once, natter natter natter... aw he's so nice)
Ugh. I'm such a wiener. I need to learn how to be cool and suave and stuff.
I like it when shows aren't packed, not for the band, but for me.
Great Lake Swimmers (who played after Priddle) were certainly packed. But I sat on the edge of the stage (upset stomach all night). Nice set though. Rocky Spine is probably one of my all-time favourite songs. So ridiculously wonderful.
Digital SLRs have taken over the world, or maybe mostly just nxne. It's sort of wild how many people there are with cameras. And it seems that everyone with one thinks they have more rights than the average concert-goer. I'm not sure they (I) do.
Going by oneself to shows might be the best way to do it, especially if you actually care about the band. Friends found me after the GLS set at Reverb, but I simmered in my fan juices alone for the first bit and it was really enjoyable.
Except that I kept having to text people for plans later and then it looked like
a) I have no friends and I have to text people to prove that I don't have to hang out on my own if I don't want to
b) I don't care about the bands because I'm so wrapped up in my cellular device
OMG the babies. Made it to The Mark Inside show at Silver Dollar and upon entering I was like "aw the babies aw the babies" in my head and maybe out loud just slightly because I love those dudes so much, so glad to be back up at the front and dancing and watching Chris's extreme performance and all of them rock out.
It's 2004 all over again!
I caught up a bit with my friend who when we dated hated reading, but lately I'd garnered from his FB statuses that he was really into it
me: Did you fall in love with reading?
he: YES!!
me: I saw that on the internet
he: Books are great!
High-fives ensued!!!!
So glad for him though, what a treat, finding out that reading is the best ever! He's also such, such a nice babe and too funny and I'm glad to know him.
It's about time they get real famous though, they totally deserve it x 200.
My upset stomach + not keeping track of beers = barf city
= 3 am bath (I'm totally going to accidentally drown myself one of these days)
Also my bell was upset ever since eating at Futures yesterday afternoon. hmmmmm
Oh yeah haha I told Degrassi about how I blogged that story about him. Too funny.
I think I might have also told him we were ENEMIES. I don't remember why but I'm sure I had just cause.
I was way too drunkskies at that point like please someone put a paper bag over my head and hail a cab
Someone pls save me from today. waiting for those tylenols to kick in soooooon???

too bad you can't see my peacock feather earrings better you wish you could
oh yeah also: the film premiere was great. crazy to see myself on the Big Screen. Yay!
photos photos photos to come too many photos