A giant diamond ring. A really expensive diamond ring.

I was pretty overly-pleased about it. Kind of sickeningly. And even more so what it signified!
Look! True Love! True Love on my finger!!! Look at this commitment, this devotion! To me!
The problem was that I couldn't figure out who had given it to me. I wandered around showing off my diamonds but couldn't remember who the mystery man was. Luckily all my friends and family seemed to know.
I couldn't escape the idea that it was someone I'd already been involved with.
Well, I do have a penchant for recycling...
And also for picking babes that are like other babes... But no one I've been involved with could afford such lovely diamonds.. nor would they choose me to buy them for.
Mumma always says, "it's as easy to love a rich man as it is to love a poor man"
So far, I have not found that to be the case.
Oh wait, I'm incapable of loving. Shit.
I think all these wedding thoughts are all my friends' faults, stupid all of yous getting engaged and married and shit. And my cousin, whose wedding photos I was looking at yesterday. A country wedding would maybe be nice... in the winter... with lots of Christmas lights... and a sleigh... and lace and ribbon and diamonds and sparkles and and and and and
I don't know what's wrong with me!
Mum got me these two cats that sit on top of my monitor. They are cutecutecute, I don't care what you say.
Please someone lend me all their kittens. I love them so much.

p.s. - I can't figure out where my top photo went.. it says it's still there, but it is not! It happened after Haloscan came into the picture