
I keep forgetting I have plans

Yeah. I'd like to go the Oscars sometime. Just saying.

It's funny how you can go months without seeing someone and then see them everywhere. Well, things go in threes, so it's done now.

I have a big hard-on for beautiful real jewellery these days. I was in Winners drooling on their display cases. I think I'm going to buy a giant white-gold crystal ring. Because I'll never be able to afford a diamond that big. And I want three pairs of pearl earrings. In different colours. Especially those dark brown ones....
Oh so pretty pretty pretty.

I had a slumber party at my house the other. By which I mean one of my GFs slept over and we stayed up late talking about boys. I haven't had a sleep-over in a real long time. Except with boys - they never want to stay up late talking about... boys.

Still need more single girlfriends. Just saying. If you know any, you should send them my way.

From my horoscope today (which seems to be calling me a slut):
Paring back your dance card is a good idea, for it's better to have one or two excellent partners than many mediocre ones.

I had a dream last night that I was in a room full of hipsters yelling about no one had bothered to notice that Vampire Weekend is secretly Ska, and how everyone there LOVES Ska!

But then, I also had a dream that I made friends with Britney Spears and had to take care of her because she's so crazy. Oh, and then it turned out the Justin Timberlake was my big brother... and I was really happy to have a big brother and I gave him a hug.
So, you know... I'm the nutso.

Britney Spears is crazy and it's really upsetting me. Not that I've ever liked Britney Spears, but I do have a pretty active (if self-repressed) interest in mental illness (and drug addiction, for that matter) and how society handles it.
I'm going to talk more about this later, maybe.
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