
not the kind of twins who look alike just the kind that...

"I promise to wait my whole life for a perfect love, but keep busy in the meantime." 
 - St. Augustine

(I saw this quote on saidthegramophone.com, not recently really but it stuck with me, also it is especially funny paired with the photo above)

I was up until four last night, mostly being productive.
I got into writing about an hour and a half before I had to leave for work yesterday. That seems like enough time to get something done, and I did, but it's also hard to leave when I'm in the middle of something good. I know it's something good when I get that glaze-eyed concentration. When I find myself walking around my apartment making tea without realizing that I've gotten up because I'm still so intent on what's happening in what I'm working on.

My big problem (HA, which one of the big problems?!) is that I have a hard time working on one project all the way through. Yesterday I opened up the short film that I wrote which I need to edit and instead I ended up working on a different idea entirely. I need to have a moratorium on new ideas I have a buttload of projects in mind and I need to finish at least a couple of these. Each one is pretty fun and different, though!

(I am filled with the light of a thousand suns)

The craziest part is that I never feel stronger, sexier, happier than when I've got a good idea brewing or am accomplishing something. Not that these ideas come to proper fruition that often but even when it seems like they might it's a high I can basically live off of.
It makes me want to smile and dance around. All the good things brewing in my future seem almost too wonderful to bear.

It might be a better high than meeting a new babe, even. And we know how I feel about new babes (mmm babes).

It's still the kind of high that comes with the fear of let-down because there are always difficulties with anything. Especially in terms of me and getting things done.
But it gets better and better, bit by bit.

And I'm a pretty good writer! I'm not even kidding about this. Not the best and I'm having DEFINITE issues with structure and I think with over-explaining in the scripts, and I should for sure be taking some workshops/classes/go back to school (sponsorship where are you??) but I'm not bad notbad, I'll tell ya that for free.


Right, so, we went to see Sweet Thing on Friday in Ottawa, Dayna and I.
The venue was attached to the venue from the night before so we ended up back in the same green room!

Where Dayna's brother had a little siesta.

I took zero photos at the actual show, I don't know why. I was too busy drinking smirnoff ice again (oh god I have no good excuse on this one, sugar craving? I dunno) and being less than party-all-the-time. I think Dayna was disappointed in my lack of party attitude. I wasn't in a bad mood, just tired. It was still really fun, and then Dayna and I had a mini dance party on the empty floor at the end of the night and that's the kind of thing I like.

I like this series, he notices I'm taking pictures


ha, we saw this guy out in the road before the show and I was like "why is there a hipster in Ottawa?" because of the green pants but then I realized that we knew him. Classic. I think this guy is so funny, which makes me feel awkward around him. Don't ask me why, I don't have a good explanation for ya. I'm just awkward like that.

then I laughed at him and he went away.
In other news, I'm jealous of how tall and long-limbed Dayna is. But that's nothing new.
Ha, also her sense of style. God I feel frumpy just thinking about this. One day in Ottawa she was wearing a high-waisted skirt which made me want one so I went and changed to be just like her.... not creepy though.
Hahaaah we also decided we were twins. Twins like the movie Twins. "But then who is Danny DeVito, certainly not me!"

same creepy hallway and staircase we went up and down the night before, too! kind of fun, mostly creepy.
I would really like to go on tour some day. On tour with what? I don't know. My rap band? probably.

These guys were happy to see each other!
I was happy that they were happy. It's both hard and reassuring to spend time with great couples. Hard in the jealousy department and reassuring in the way that it's good to know that sometimes excellent people find each other at the right time and want to be together.

Dayna has more photos on her camera I wonder if there's any cute ones of me, that's what I'm after!!!

I've been going through a big blushing phase again (otherwise known as my life) and I blush at every possible thing and especially I blush when I think someone might have a crush on me/think I have a crush on them, ESPECIALLY if I am not at all interested. You can 100% bet that this leads to some pretty awkward interactions.
I think I'm going to have to start wearing foundation. I am not even kidding at all.

Well, I mean I am kidding because I am too lazy for that noise.