
thursday thursday

I'm in love love love with having my back window back. I kept meaning to get around to taking the air conditioner out of the window now that it's cold out and all that but I was like "who even cares" but MAN I forgot how much I love that window. No wonder I was so upset to put the AC in in the springtime.I need a more attractive AC unit. I need a lot of things in this place.

I do love my apartment but goddamn do I hate my apartment sometimes. I actually only hate it in terms of other people. Like when babes come over it's just not the best for entertaining and I'm hosting the pre-Christmas edition of mixtape club next week and it's a full-out dinner party where is everyone going to sit?? I'm nervous.
Seven years (in April) is such a ridiculously long time to live anywhere. That's longer than high-school! That's my whole adult life thusfar. Sometimes I think I should move just to prove that I can but I could never find as good of a deal as this with this much sun and privacy...
aw, I do love it.

This cat's past foster parents email me to check in on her. That's how nice she is. JFYI.

I carried some shelves home from the curb down the street they're on my front porch right now. I wonder what the eff I'm going to do with them... It's funny to lug something home at 4 a.m. I felt like a productive little worker. Okok fine I might have been a bit drunk.

I don't really know why I haven't been blogging the past few days. I guess maybe because I keep starting bigger entries about actual subjects but then I leave them for a minute and don't know how to edit them or make them good to publish. Lots and lots of things on the mind but not sure how to get it out on here today. Kind of fair. Kind of annoying, kind of fair.

I overwatered the green onions. I love egg salad I love potato salad. Oh man I have to make a menu plan for my pre-Christmas mixtape club dinner party. What will it be what will it be?

I did a bad job of washing off my make-up in the bath. Not my fault as there wasn't any hot water left.

raymi blogiversary tonight. I'm excited to partytime! It should be a shitshow? hopefully?
I have to find something ridiculous to wear and I better fix my hair. It's so thin! I have the thinnest hair!  Luckily all of a sudden it's the longest ever. It might actually be the longest I've ever  had it. The last haircut I had she said "you don't really have to cut your hair". I think that's true. you want long hair? Don't cut it all off.

raymi says I can't hit on all the babes tonight which means I'm going to have to pick carefully just kidding I don't want to step on anyone's toes. I think Dayna's coming and maybe Flash Gordon and so maybe I'll just keep my eyes on my favourite ladies.
I also want to dance. Please remind me if you see me that I enjoy dancing. I frequently forget. 

Ah man I was hanging out with my one friend for a bit last night and we were honestly making some of the funniest jokes. That's the best when you can't stop laughing and you're waiting around to make the next joke because the jokes all snowball forever and it reminds you of other funny things and the funny keeps multiplying. Yeeah the best.
I'm good at building on jokes. If you need your joke built on, call me.