
getting past being bad without giving up

I love the internet!
Okay so a cool vague-friend of mine (and fellow blogger), Nicole on FB today posted a link to this video:

Ira Glass (of This American Life) on the creative process.


Okay so what he's saying is that for artists they get into making art because they have good taste. They admire the art form that they are trying to make. TV, film, comedy, theatre, etc etc and so they know what's good and have discerning tastes but when you start to make art there's a gap period where the art you make cannot live up to your discerning tastes and during that gap a lot of people quit. (or make shitty stuff and pretend it's high-brow?????? jk?)
So much sense!

I always feel (like the deservist entitled young person that I am) that I should magically be able to do everything perfect right off the bat. If I have to actually work at something and produce shitty stuff before it's good then I"m obviously not naturally talented and it's obviously not worth it.

I'm going to ahead and blame my mother partially at least on this one because my mother is a genius and was older when she had me so had a lot of time to get good at a lot of different things and so she makes arts and crafts and photography and sewing and even building look effortless. Okay okay not effortless, just not as ridiculously hard as I find them.
Ha, she is still probably 50% more talented than I am except at acting probably and maybe being funny. Except she's funny in a different way. Like more puns. hahaaaa

the only reason why I'm able to be as good at things as I am now (nowhere near where I'd like to be but still pretty okok) is because she's backed me up on pretty much everything. And is the ultimate best at complimenting my achievements. Plus I'm pretty sure she actually believes in me.

Ugh, why don't I explain why I love my mum some more, eh? grosssssssss
hahaaa my little cousin asked my mum if she were vegetarian and she said something along the lines of
"I'm 95% vegetarian and the rest of the time I'm just a hypocrite"

ahahahaaaaa classic.

I read this pilot yesterday written by a woman a couple of years younger than me which is TOPNOTCH and it made me want to punch myself in the eyes.
Just kidding it inspired me. I have never been able to take myself seriously like I could never create to the degree which I would be satisfied with so there's no point in trying. But these days I'm reexamining it... I think I maybe do have excellent ideas and I have to stop psyching myself out about it.


Also I reread the first 15 pages I wrote awhile ago of a feature I have in mind and it was surprisingly good. So There.
Now I just need to write another 75 pages and we'll be good to go.

Stole these photes from my SubRosa friend! Ammmmaaazing. I love almost-cute.
Aw man imagine if I met biodad and he looked like this? Adorable. 

Hmm well now I've avoided doing any real work for long enough maybe I'll get to it. Or maybe I'll just make some soup. We'll see!