Here's the second pair of Cougar Boots I received.
Rrrrrred (red is best) Tibet style rainboots!
I flippin love rainboots so necessary, especially in Toronto. Especially if you're going to walk everywhere forever. I kind of can't wait for spring to really put these babies to best usage.
These are really well lined and thick-soled in a comfortable way. Also the sock-type upper part can be folded over or pulled up slouchy-like or folded down into the boot for extra lining. I like variety. I like to see what I can do with things.

Coulda used some red-eye-reduction. too bad for y'all.

I took Dollface out for a belated birthday brunch romantic-date stylez today. It was pretty lovely. Aunties is so busy all the time forever now. Even on a fuckin monday afternoon. The table near us were taking up a lot of room so Doll and I were both sitting on the same side of the table. It does feel oddly more intimate that way. Awww.
After brunch Doll and I drove around the city a bit. Cars here for sure feel like a treat all the time, hey?

I'm thinking I should maybe get back on track in terms of Life-Job. I'm really getting behind on things (ha, I've never even started anything). Okay yeeeah I'm going to do it.

I bought a couple of little Christmas gifts today! It's going to be here so quick like you don't even know it!