
mishmash of mishmash

guysguysguys I don't have much to say at this particular moment. I feel the weight of not-updating on my shoulders, though!

A couple of my favourite people have shared this video for me, it's a amazing:

Aaaand here are a couple of quotes from my diaryland circa 2k6:

"i've decided not to date while i'm thin because it's just too misleading."

"there is something fighteningly unappealing about being asked out by a guy tying up dead and naked chickens (or quail or whatever they were)."

Life is good and all that. I'm still struggling with every single thing that I've already told you about. Is it possible to have too much free time? If so, I'm there. I need to learn how to wrangle myself!
I need a wrangler? I need some wranglers?

I 100% did not buy a taquito tonight and I fully, fully wanted to. Instead I came home and had some water. Baby steps, baby step.
Oh yeah, so my friend and I were making a billion jokes about how much we hang out in front of the 7-11 and then the next day I had coffee with Violet and she said "you know a car drove right into there, right?" hahaahaha nope. good thing it was after I was done sitting in front of there. She forwarded me this picture:

 amaaaazing. they drove right through the brick!

In union station they have booths set up to sell things, yeah? Well they have some of the most beautiful stripey pashminas in there. Sort of like this one:

so prettypretty. The ones they have are nicer. WANT. please? please?

Christmas is creeping up so soon and I'm so involved in my own drama/bit of depression (I'm not really depressed I'm just into sleeping forever and ever) that I keep forgetting to get into the spirit. I live for this, I should be making the most of it.
That's what tomorrow is for, I suppose!